19 May 2021 @ 11:00 am
Snarry-a-Thon21: FIC & ART: A Stiller Life  
Title: A Stiller Life
Author&Artist: [archiveofourown.org profile] lyraonyx
Other pairings/threesome: no other major pairings.
Rating: M
Word count: 38,787
Media: digital art, writing
Content/Warning(s): Angst, grief, fluff, assumed MCD (that isn't actually MCD), soul bonds, reincarnation, age regression, portrait!Severus, portrait!Harry, portrait!Albus, Minerva, Hermione, soft!Severus, past Harry/Ginny.
Prompt: No. 21: After defeating Voldemort, Harry dies and then wakes up in a portrait with Severus. It takes a while before they both realise they aren't like the other Hogwarts portraits, and for one simple reason: neither of them is truly dead.
Summary: After the battle, Severus wakes up in a portrait in the headmaster's office. He assumes he is dead, but then Harry tumbles into his portrait out of the blue, and no one understands why.
A/N: Betaed by MercurialMind and the fabulous folks at SnapePotter. Thank you for your help!

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(A Stiller Life)
19 May 2021 @ 11:04 am
Snarry-a-Thon21: ART: Road Hazard  
Title: Road Hazard
Artist: [archiveofourown.org profile] DaniPantsu
Other pairings/threesome: N/A
Rating: General
Media: Digital
Content/Warning(s): Reckless driving
Prompt: No. 188: After seeing how poorly most wizards and witches do with learning to drive, Harry decides to become an instructor. He's not sure he'll survive his latest client.
Summary: Is Snape exacting some kind of petty revenge for all his years being Harry's professor or is he just a really shitty driver? Only he knows.

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Road Hazard

Road Hazard )

*This artwork is the sole property of the artist who created it. Please do not use it or repost it, in whole or in part, on any platform without the express consent of the artist. If you would like to rec this image, please link to this post or the artist's journal after the reveals.