13 May 2021 @ 11:03 am
Snarry-a-Thon21: FIC: A Transaction  
Title: A Transaction
Author: [archiveofourown.org profile] LamLinh
Other pairings/threesome: Brief Harry/Ginny
Rating: T
Word count: 6,485
Content/warning(s): None
Prompt: No. 84: “Sharing body heat to keep warm” by themightyflynn
Summary: Harry returned from King's Cross and defeated Voldemort. But there was a price to be paid.
A/N: This might not be something that one will expect from this prompt. Myself included. I just hope beyond hope that this will come out not too terrible. Sending my gratitude with love to my beta-reader, jungkookiebaby. For the beta-reading, and anything and everything else. Any remaining errors are mine own.

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A Transaction )
13 May 2021 @ 11:07 am
Snarry-a-Thon21: MUSIC: Bach’s Cello Suite in G major, Prelude  
Title: Bach’s Cello Suite in G major, Prelude
Artist: [archiveofourown.org profile] drwritermom
Other pairings/threesome: Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley (past), Mystery Weasley/Harry Potter (VERY UNREQUITED)
Rating: G
Media: Audio instrumental performance
Content/Warning(s): issues with intonation and tempo, Snape is NOT a Cello Master!
Prompt: No. 1
Summary: This is a companion piece to “Bach’s Cello Suite in G major.” It is literally the cello suite, glitches and all, as played by Severus as he serenaded Harry, the morning after Harry’s arrival. It was played with plenty of heart, soul, and a wee too much caffeine. He meant well.
A/N: This MA played violin for years during my formative years, but stopped after starting premed in college. It took 37 years for me to pick up my instrument again, and another year (July, 2020) before staring lessons on the viola (it’s more difficult to play than violin). I decided to up the difficulty level to NEWT level, by turning my student viola into a chin cello, which is basically a viola with cello strings. This is what I, oops, SNAPE, played in this recording. Any mistakes made just magnify Snape’s amateur status. I’m gonna claim I strived for authenticity, and I delivered!

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(Bach’s Cello Suite in G major, Prelude--performed by Severus Snape)

Summary: This is a second companion piece to “Bach’s Cello Suite in G major”. It is literally the cello suite, glitches and all, as played by Harry as he serenaded Severus at their bonding reception.
A/N: For what it’s worth, recording oneself is difficult, it brings out the adrenaline until one's fingers are tripping over each other. At this stage of Harry’s musical education, he’d trip over his fingers during his first performance, so I decided to cease further recording for authenticity.

(Bach’s Cello Suite in G major, Prelude--performed by Harry Potter)