03 May 2021 @ 10:57 am
Snarry-a-Thon21: FIC: Reveal Your Secrets  
Title: Reveal Your Secrets
Author: [archiveofourown.org profile] pluperfectsunrise
Other pairings/threesome: None
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 14,751 words
Content/Warnings: None
Prompt: No. 59: Harry is obsessed with greasy hair. One night, Severus gets drugged and kidnapped so Harry can shampoo his hair. Bonus for dirty talk.
Summary: Harry Potter has a secret.

The secret is how much—how very, very much—he would like to wash Severus Snape's hair.
A/N: This prompt!!!! I didn't have Harry drug Severus, but the rest of it's in there (and more besides). Thank you to the prompter and the tireless mods and to the amazing people who cheered me on while I was writing this fic.

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(Reveal Your Secrets)