17 December 2020 @ 12:01 pm
Secret Snarry Swap: FIC: Severus Snape and the Reluctant Soulmate  
Title: Severus Snape and the Reluctant Soulmate
Author: [archiveofourown.org profile] drwritermom
Other pairings/threesome: Ron Weasley/Hermione Granger
Rating: Teen
Word count: 2870
Content/Warning(s): Male/male soul bond, references to wartime, implied mpreg
Prompter/Prompt: No. 41 from [personal profile] nmk0144: Snape forces Harry to bond with him. Harry is secretly pleased.
Summary: Severus Snape is Harry Potter’s soulmate. Harry refuses to let his super-secret beloved be bound by the constraints of the Fates, and avoids Snape like the plague, while Snape seeks Harry out, wanting nothing more than to finalize their bond. Something’s got to give.
A/N: My apologies to my gift recipient, as my muse was very insistent that this was direction I should take your prompt. There is plenty of fluff. JKR owns the behemoth known as the Potterverse, I am just playing with the characters dwelling within. In this iteration of the HP universe, soulmate bonds between pairs with an age difference are protection based until the younger of the pair is eighteen, in accordance with the Muggle age of maturity. A heartfelt thanks to our gracious Swap hosts and to badgerlady, our Swap beta.

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Severus Snape and the Reluctant Soulmate )