12 December 2020 @ 11:00 am
Secret Snarry Swap: Wrap-Up for Week Two  
We're about halfway through this year's fest! Thanks to everyone reading and commenting. The creators really appreciate it!

Also, we're looking for recs! And if you want to let us know that you've recced any Secret Snarry Swap fic or art on your journal in an unlocked post or on Tumblr, comment to this post, or drop us an e-mail at the mod email (spfestmod@gmail.com). Please include a link to the rec! Anything that collects three or more recs will be forwarded to the newsletters and all recs will be forwarded to the authors/artists. Thanks!

Lastly, a quick reminder to please join [info]snape_potter to see all of our fest entries.

The Nutcracker and the Prince G, SFW
Summary: Severus or Harry is the Nutcracker prince who comes to life on Christmas Eve.

Harry Potter and the (Vincent) Half-Blood Prince PG-13, 41,124 words
Summary: Harry designs and builds custom flying motorcycles with his best mate Ron and their old Slytherin rival Millicent Bulstrode, and he reckons that's enough for him. He doesn't need all the drama of coming out of the closet, and is happy to live a quiet, solitary life - but when a commission comes in from his snarky old potions professor, he discovers that there's more to Severus Snape than he ever thought possible. And more to himself, as well.

Roll with It NC-17, 15,900 words
Summary: After a potion accident, Severus wakes up in St Mungo’s with amnesia and a man, roughly his own age, holding his hand. Severus comes to the only logical conclusion that the man must be his lover.

The Great House-Elf Mistletoe Revolt PG, 2,209 words
Summary: The Snape had no plans to stop Christmas from coming,
To halt all the singing and humming and drumming,
But he greeted it all with the grimmest of frowns,
The lights and the bells and the bright paper crowns.
He loomed and he fumed, complaining and stewing.
He gloomed and he doomed. He'd rather be brewing.


The Scales of Life PG-13, 23,000 words
Summary: A life-threatening case of Dragon Pox has forced the Healers to place Teddy into stasis. Harry seeks help from Severus in brewing the potion that will hopefully save Teddy.

If you missed something from week one, you can find the wrap-up post on DW, LJ, and IJ.

We'll be back on Monday for another week of new entries!
12 December 2020 @ 09:49 pm
SS/HP Prophet for December 6 - December 12  
The current edition of the SS/HP Prophet has been posted here:

The SS/HP Prophet for December 6 - December 12

If we missed an entry, please comment on the latest newsletter and it will be added to the next edition.