07 December 2020 @ 12:17 pm
Secret Snarry Swap: FIC: Harry Potter and the (Vincent) Half-Blood Prince  

Title: Harry Potter and the (Vincent) Half-Blood Prince
Author: [archiveofourown.org profile] salazarinadress
Other pairings/threesome: None
Rating: pg-13
Word count: 41,124
Content/Warning(s): Mention of homophobia towards secondary characters, mentions of terminal illness of a minor character.
Prompter/Prompt: No. 66 from [info]suitesamba: Harry has gone into business making and selling flying motorcycles and Severus comes in for a test drive. Harry really needs to sell some bikes and turns on the charm to get Severus to buy one.
Summary: Harry designs and builds custom flying motorcycles with his best mate Ron and their old Slytherin rival Millicent Bulstrode, and he reckons that's enough for him. He doesn't need all the drama of coming out of the closet, and is happy to live a quiet, solitary life - but when a commission comes in from his snarky old potions professor, he discovers that there's more to Severus Snape than he ever thought possible. And more to himself, as well.
A/N: I think I kept more to the spirit of the prompt than the word of it, or maybe the other way round? Tried for humour, snark and sneak but y’all can be the judge of how far I missed. XD Thanks to my beta S who pointed out the horrifying plot flaws, even though my planned 20k words ended up being twice that. T-T

Read on AO3

(Harry Potter and the (Vincent) Half-Blood Prince)