24 May 2020 @ 11:58 am
Snarry-a-Thon20: FIC: Courting Harry  
Title: Courting Harry
Author: [archiveofourown.org profile] lilyseyes
Other pairings/threesome:
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: +/- 11,600
Content/Warning(s): First-time, Frottage, Rimming, Mpreg referenced
Prompt: 1 – Wild Card.
Summary: At an Ostara Gala at Malfoy Manor, Severus hears Draco, Blaise, and several other pureblood Hogwarts alumni discussing how politically advantageous it would be to marry Harry Potter. Not liking the tone of the discussion, Severus decides to utilize an ancient courting ritual and keep Harry safe.
A/N:Thanks to [personal profile] badgerlady for the beta! ♥

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(Courting Harry)