16 December 2019 @ 11:58 am
Secret Snarry Swap: FIC: your name, a pale ghost  
Title: your name, a pale ghost
Author: [archiveofourown.org profile] halbeshaus
Other pairings/threesome: none
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 12,000
Content/Warning(s): memory loss, implied/referenced violence, implied/referenced minor character death
Prompter/Prompt: No. 42 from [personal profile] pluperfectsunrise: In a world where Voldemort never existed, Severus never taught at Hogwarts. When they finally meet, Harry falls in love with him at first sight.
Summary: After an accident at work, vast swathes of Harry's memory are gone, but one seemingly inconsequential, fragmented memory haunts him. Three years ago in his mother's kitchen, he met Severus Snape.
A/N: A massive thanks to everyone who had to cope with the short-lived, but increasingly weird version of this fic that had a donkey as an integral character. May that draft never see the light of day. Thanks to Cithara for giving this a once-over.

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(your name, a pale ghost)