16 May 2019 @ 12:00 pm
Snarry-a-Thon19: FIC: The Elemental  
Title: The Elemental
Author: [archiveofourown.org profile] what_alchemy
Other pairings/threesome: none
Rating: Explicit
Word count: ~43,000
Content/Warning(s): Author Chooses Not To Warn. Severus Snape & Minerva McGonagall Friendship, Severus Snape’s Family, Magic Theory, House Elves, Time Travel, EWE, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Rimming
Prompt: Through a magical accident, Harry brings a younger Severus into the post-war world.
Summary: Severus Snape wakes in 2005 to a changed world. And everywhere he looks, there’s Harry Potter: Public Enemy.
A/N: This story has a few dark themes while not being particularly dark in and of itself. Please be advised that there are brief references to past domestic violence within Snape’s family history, canon-compliant neglect in Harry’s past, and the unlawful death of a violent criminal, though none of these events take place in scene or within the timeline of the story. Read with your own self-care in mind.

Please forgive any mistakes in my Slovak language use; I consulted the internet as best I could, but I know how limited that can be. If you catch something egregious, feel free to drop me a line about fixing it.

With thanks to sweetestdrain for her brainstorming and beta-reading services.

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(The Elemental)