17 October 2016 @ 10:03 am
Halloween Mini-Fest 2016!  

The short version of the rules:

Beginning TODAY you may leave up to seven autumn/Halloween prompts. They can be spooky, romantic, humourous, angsty, etc. As long as the main pairing is Severus/Harry, anything goes!

There will be no claiming of prompts. Creators can begin writing or drawing immediately. Prompts may be filled multiple times.

All entires will be self-posted to [info]snape_potter. If anyone needs help or would like the mods to post for you, or if you have other questions, don't hesitate to ask. Our email is spfestmod AT gmail DOT com.

Prompting will end October 31, the deadline for posting is November 2, and the Master List will post on November 4.

The longer version of the rules is under the cut!

Rules, prompting template, and headers )