17 September 2015 @ 12:00 pm
Odd Jobs: FIC: Better Times  
Title: Better Times
Author: [info]sra_danvers
Other pairings/threesome: Harry/OMC
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 13,200 words
Content/Warning(s): (highlight for spoilers) *EWE, OC Severus Snape, OC Harry Potter, brief mention of suicide*
Summary: After the war, to be a Slytherin is to be a target. Draco Malfoy wants to mend that before his son goes to Hogwarts, and with Severus Snape’s help they establish a new magical journal. But nobody wants to read the point of view of the Slytherins, so both of them will need Harry Potter’s help, who is now a dragon keeper in Romania.

(Better Times)