07 May 2015 @ 11:57 am
Snarry-a-Thon15: FIC: Painted in the Worst Light  
Title: Painted in the Worst Light
Author: [personal profile] asecretchord
Other pairings/threesome: Mention of prior Severus/Regulus
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 98,448
Content/Warning(s): *Discussion of child abuse, canon-level violence, reference to sexual acts between two minors*
Prompt: #59: Severus survived Nagini's bite and is now on trial before the Wizengamot. Due to a weird loophole in the law books, he has the right to choose any Ministry employee to defend him, and he chooses Auror-trainee, Harry Potter.
Summary: See prompt.
A/N: I am extremely fortunate to have a long list of people to thank for assisting me with this story. Though the act of writing is largely a solitary act, it is also a communal one and I've had quite of bit of support during the creative process. First, many thanks to [info]torino10154 who granted me an extension the moment I signed up and another one after that, and to [info]lilyseyes who stepped up to assist with modly duties; to EE and BL who alpha-read this story when I was lost in the tall weeds with no clue where I was or what I was doing; to [info]alisanne who granted me permission to adapt her story Of Resistance and Legilimency for Neville's testimony (if you haven't read her story, you should); to Jessica for beta-reading when Snarry so isn't her thing; and to [info]percygranger who cheered and encouraged and believed I could finish this story when I was certain I couldn't.

In addition to quoting the prophecy verbatim, there is one direct quote from Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, written by JK Rowling, and it appears during Umbridge's testimony. As for the Ministry's criminal justice system, I made it up based partially on the way Harry's hearing was conducted at the beginning of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and my own somewhat twisted imagination. It is in no way designed to be the least bit fair to the defendant. While I tried to stick close to canon, not everything is 100% accurate. All errors are mine and mine alone.

(Painted in the Worst Light)
07 May 2015 @ 12:04 pm
Snarry-a-Thon15: ART: A Welcome Distraction  
Title: A Welcome Distraction
Artist: [info]writcraft
Other pairings/threesome: None
Rating: PG-13
Media: GIMP 2.0 Digital Art
Content/Warning(s): None
Prompt: Own
Summary: Sometimes when Severus gets lost in one of his books, Harry knows just how to convince him to take a break.
A/N: Thanks so much to the wonderful [info]snape_potter mods for their patience and [info]torino10154 in particular for the encouragement.

A Welcome Distraction

A Welcome Distraction )

*This artwork is the sole property of the artist who created it. Please do not use it or repost it, in whole or in part, on any platform without the express consent of the artist. If you would like to rec this image, please link to this post or the artist's journal after the reveals.