06 January 2014 @ 01:01 pm
Secret Snarry Swap: Marks  
Title: Marks
Author: [info]florahart
Gift Recipient: [info]kisslicknipsuck
Rating: Barely PG. I don't know what happened.
Word count: 5,200 words
Content/Warning(s): None. This is a teacher and a student, but over 18, and also pains are taken not to make this a power issue.
Summary: Harry's a computer science student, but he needs a writing credit to qualify for an internship. All the writing classes are full, so he ends up in Snape's lit class as a substitute. Snape is a hardass, but no one passes his class without learning to write, and it turns out they have something else in common.
A/N: The request was for this to be a college thing: Non-magic AU, Snape is an English/Literature/Composition professor at some university. And while many of his passing students go on to do excellent things in the world of literature, he is still notorious for being strict, unsympathetic, and borderline cruel to his classes. Harry is an engineering student -or some other non-English/Literature major- but has to take at least one writing class to graduate. He's never been very good with words, preferring more concrete things like math and science. And try as he might, he's doing atrociously in Snape's class. For some inexplicable reason, however, he's very keen to impress his snide professor. But as my experience with college is in the US, that necessarily meant it has an American flavor. I hope that's not too distracting.

Marks )
06 January 2014 @ 01:02 pm
Secret Snarry Swap: The Unfreezing Kiss  
Title: The Unfreezing Kiss
Artist: [personal profile] venturous
Gift Recipient: [info]amanitamuscaria
Rating: PG
Media: Photoshop
Content/Warning(s): None.
Summary/Prompt: Written for prompt #6: frozen out, wayward magic, icicles. Caught by a freezing curse and cast into a far away ice cave, Severus calls on the deepest Light magic to defeat the spell that threatens Harry's life.
A/N: Dear Prompter: thank you for the chilly but beautiful image that wove the story for me to paint.

Frozen Kiss

The Unfreezing Kiss )

*This artwork is the sole property of the artist who created it. Please do not use it or repost it, in whole or in part, on any platform without the express consent of the artist. If you would like to rec this image, please link to this post or the artist's journal after the reveals.