29 September 2013 @ 12:00 pm
First Time for Everything Fest: Wrap-Up for Week Two  
Week two is under our belts and there's only one more week to go! Thanks to everyone reading and commenting. The authors and artists really appreciate it!

Also, we're looking for recs! And if you want to let us know that you've recced any First Time for Everything Fest fic or art on your IJ/LJ/DW or anywhere else in an unlocked post, comment to this post, or drop us an e-mail at the mod email (spfestmod@gmail.com). Anything that collects three or more journal recs will be forwarded to the newsletters and all recs anywhere will be forwarded to the authors/artists. Thanks!

Lastly, a quick reminder than all chan entries and any NC-17 artwork are always locked. Please join [info]snape_potter to see all of our fest entries.

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