13 August 2013 @ 01:03 pm
Announcing: Secret Snarry Swap  
The holiday season is still several months away, but it's time to begin sign-ups for [info]snape_potter's 8th Annual Snarry holiday exchange fest.

It may be an old fest, but this year there is a new twist! Secret Snarry Swap will be both an exchange and a prompt fest. How will this work, you ask? As always, we will have our traditional holiday exchange fest, the Secret Snarry Swap. This traditional exchange is designed for those who prefer a fest with longer, more fleshed-out works (3,000 or more word fic, detailed color, or multi-panel art). To give everyone the maximum amount of time to create their works, we will be holding sign-ups for the Honeydukes Deluxe beginning Aug 26. Since the Honeydukes Deluxe is the Exchange part of the fest ALL participants who sign up to take part in the exchange will both give a gift and receive a gift.

But because we know many people are busy with other holiday fests and may not want to commit to a full exchange (or perhaps just like the idea of fulfilling holiday wishes after completing other holiday commitments), the second way to participate will be though the Honeydukes Sampler. We will be gathering prompts beginning the second week of October. This is for smaller gifts (500 to 3,000 word fic, art without detailed background and/or color, a small group of icons). Anyone can submit a prompt without obligation (though it's nice to return the favor when you can). It is designed to be fun and low-stress with bite-sized entries and to be the perfect way to take a break from the holiday rush.

Think of it like this: the Honeydukes Deluxe is a full-fledged Exchange fest where everyone will both give and receive a gift. The Honeydukes Sampler is a way to both give a gift or receive one without the obligation implied in an exchange. Entries do not have to be holiday themed. As long as it's Snarry, that's all the celebration we need.

Posting for both the Honeydukes Deluxe and the Sampler will begin Dec 1. We hope you'll join us.