20 April 2013 @ 12:55 pm
Snarry-a-Thon13: FIC: What Freedom Brings  
Title: What Freedom Brings
Author: [info]sonata_de_morte
Rating: PG
Word count: 8,200
Content/Warning(s): (highlight for spoilers) *Pre-slash*
Prompt: Suffering from exhaustion after the Final Battle, Harry ends up in an isolation room in the infirmary, mostly to keep everyone away. Due to limited space, Severus is placed in the same room. What do two old enemies talk about?
Summary: Harry doesn't know when to give up, and Severus teaches an unintentional lesson.
A/N: This is my first Snarry fic, so I'm a bit nervous. This is pre-slash, really, and could probably do with a sequel, which might get written one day. For all intents and purposes, though, this is complete. I even adhered to the prompt more than I thought I would! A big thanks to P for her beta job.

What Freedom Brings )
20 April 2013 @ 02:39 pm
Title: Control
Author: [info]alisanne
Pairing: Severus Snape/Harry Potter
Rating: PG-13
Challenge: Written for [info]snape100's prompt #478: Control
Word Count: 100 x 3
Warnings: Mild hint of bondage implied (if you squint).
Beta: [info]lilyseyes
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

Read Control on LJ/IJ/DW.
Current Mood: hopeful