28 January 2013 @ 08:58 am
Snarry-a-Thon 2013: CALL FOR PROMPTS  
This is where you can suggest prompts for the 2013 edition of Snarry-A-Thon. Prompting is now CLOSED.

call for prompts
banner by [info]lemondropseven and art by [info]littleblackbow

Don't hold back. All kinds of prompts are welcome - happy prompts, dark prompts, silly prompts, kinky prompts, fluffy prompts, romantic prompts, prompts set in the past, present, or future, prompts from any universe, both unique ideas and beloved fandom tropes....We welcome any flavour of Snarry. Let your fantasies run wild! Submitting prompts doesn't commit you to anything.

Each person may leave up to 3 prompts but please, no more. And because we will be posting prompts inside a text box, we ask people please try to limit your prompts to no more than two or three sentences. We would like to reiterate that Snarry-a-Thon is not an exchange and personal preferences like who tops or side-pairings not essential to the spirit of the prompt may be edited from the final prompt.

The mods will stop taking prompts at 7 pm (EST) on Sunday, February 3. After we stop taking prompts, a complete list of all prompts will be posted that same day at 9 pm (EST). Comments will be temporarily disabled to give everyone a chance to read over the entire list of prompts and decide which prompt they would like to claim. On Tuesday, February 5, at 1 pm (EST), comments will be enabled on the post and claiming of prompts will begin.

Snarry-a-Thon 2013 - Love unconditionally. Beyond reason and beyond wisdom. ♥♥♥