01 October 2012 @ 11:56 am
The Severus/Harry Big Bang Posting Schedule...  
The Inner Eye Sees all....

"The Severus/Harry Big Bang arrives at [info]snape_potter as the third week in the tenth month is born...."
(That's Oct 15th for those of you without the Gift.)
Inner Eye

In just two short weeks, posting for [info]snape_potter's Severus/Harry Big Bang will begin. \0/

The first post will go up on Monday, October 15th at 8am EDT and will continue throughout the day until all twenty-five of the Big Bang entries are posted. Once all the entries are posted, we will post the Severus/Harry Big Bang Masterlist.

Typically during our fests, we encourage members to continue to post their fic and art to the community. However, in an attempt to keep all Big Bang entries together, we ask that people not post to the community on Monday, Oct 15 from 8am EDT until AFTER the Big Bang Masterlist is posted. We expect this to take less than four hours. Any non-BB entries made during that time will be deleted and the poster will be contacted so they can repost later in the day. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience.

Please be aware that the [info]snape_potter community will be posting twenty-five posts in a row. While that sounds like heaven to us here, if you prefer not to have multiple Snarry posts temporarily take over your flist, you may want to make some changes for that day.

We're really looking forward to all the Snarry goodness. We have an amazing variety of stories and art, and we're really excited about posting them!

Let the countdown begin!
01 October 2012 @ 03:07 pm
Something fun.  
Would you like to find out what your Patronus is?