03 June 2012 @ 12:29 pm
SNARRY-A-THON12: FIC: Getting There….  
Title: Getting There…
Author: [info]winoniel
Other pairings/threesome: Severus/OMC
Rating: Hard R
Word count: 14,500
Content/Warning(s): (highlight for spoilers) *Infidelity, rough sex*
Prompt: #98: Post-war, Harry runs way to America to become a survivalist: guns, bunkers, planning for the end of the world. After the Ministry tries sending several people to bring him back (and they all get pounded and nearly killed), they send Snape.
Summary: Twenty-four years after the Battle of Hogwarts, Severus has a kinder, gentler facade. Of course, not with Harry Potter.
In addition to prompt #98, I used two other prompts as fodder: Prompt #142: A blind Severus struggles with his relationship with someone else. Harry waits patiently. and Severus as Mind Healer is taken from Prompt #135: For some reason, Hermione becomes a kneazle/book/whatever hoarder. Harry, Ron, and her kids hire Snape (now a Mind Healer at St Mungo's) to get Hermione to stop hoarding since it's his specialty. While helping her, Snape and Harry fall in love.

Sincere love to the Snarry-A-Thon mods for their unending understanding and to [info]hpstrangelove for the beta!

(Getting There....)
03 June 2012 @ 12:32 pm
SNARRY-A-THON12: FIC: The Glacier Knocks in the Cupboard  
Title: The Glacier Knocks in the Cupboard
Author: [info]abigail89
Rating: PG
Word Count: 5,641
Content/Warning(s): (highlight for spoilers) *None*
Prompt/Summary: #162: Outsider POV: Possibly Hermione or anyone's take on a Snarry relationship which develops whilst they're still at Hogwarts (either HBP or going off-canon).
A/N: I took some huge liberties with the prompt. I prefer to write Harry & Severus's relationship after Harry becomes an adult, so I pushed beyond canon. The title comes from a W. H. Auden poem.

The Glacier Knocks in the Cupboard )