31 January 2012 @ 12:58 pm
SNARRY SWAP: FIC: The Second Time Around  
Title: The Second Time Around
Author: [info]suitesamba
Gift Recipient: [info]gingertart50
Word Count: 28,800
Rating: NC-17 (barely)
Content/Warning(s): (highlight for spoilers) * Partner Betrayal (not H/S), previous implied het relationship (H/G)*
Summary: Henry Porter owns a popular Bed and Breakfast in York. Ellis Keyes is a critic for “Europe’s Best B&Bs.” When they meet, they find out their alter egos knew each other quite well in a past life. Will things turn out differently the second time around?
A/N: [info]gingertart50: Plot, characterization, non-fluffy romance, humor, a bit of hurt/comfort...you have enough likes that this story is bound to hit on something on your list. Hope my Harry is grown-up and strong enough for you too. Enjoy!

Thanks to my excellent betas, this story now has 1560 fewer double spaces and about 200 more commas than it did when I “finished” it. Grateful thanks to the wonderful [info]badgerlady for the initial SPaG and Brit picking, the advice about Severus’ characterization and for giving me the confidence about the story to pass it on to [info]jadzialove for beta’ing. And heartfelt thanks to the equally wonderful [info]jadzialove who gave me two dozen more commas, took the time to read this monster several times, told me, ever so gently, that “nutters” is not an adjective (but barmy is) and, ultimately, took away my pistol and handed me the crowbar. Apologies for rattling on but these two ladies are phenomenal and deserve more than these few paltry words of praise. To [info]badgerlady, [info]jadzialove and betas everywhere!

(The Second Time Around)
31 January 2012 @ 04:58 pm
Final Snarry Swap Wrap-Up  
We've just posted our final entry for this year's Snarry Swap. Reveals will be on February 4th so you have a few days to catch up on any entries you missed!

Not sure what to read first? There has been so much fabulous new fic and artwork out there that it's difficult to even know where to begin. Look at this entry for week three (LJ, IJ, or DW) and this one for week four (LJ, IJ, or DW) to find out more information about each of our entries.

Also! We're looking for recs! And if you want to let us know that you've recced any Snarry Swap fic or art on your IJ/LJ/DW or anywhere else in an unlocked post, comment to this post, or drop us an e-mail at the mod email (spfestmod @ gmail dot com). Anything that receives three or more recs will be forwarded to the newsletters. Thanks!

Lastly, a quick reminder that all chan entries and any NC-17 artwork are always locked. Please join (not just 'watch') [info]snape_potter to see all of our fest entries.

Week Three

House Arrest, NC-17, 25,005 words - Chan
Summary: Discovered in a forbidden relationship with Harry Potter, the Ministry threatens to take Severus into custody whilst the Department of Magical Law Enforcement investigates the matter. Fearing the worst, Severus and Harry decide to act before the Wizengamot can try him.
LJ, IJ, or DW

Miracle, NC-17/NSFW
Summary/Prompt: It truly is a miracle that Severus is going to have a baby. Sometimes, Harry cannot believe his luck.
LJ, IJ, or DW

Of Monsters and Men, PG-13, 12,379
Summary/Prompt: It takes ten years and a war against the Muggleborn witches and wizards for Severus to come to terms with Harry.
LJ, IJ, or DW

The Best Christmas Ever, PG-13, 4,900
Summary/Prompt: Harry begins university and learns that he has chemistry with his professor.
LJ, IJ, or DW

Looking for Perfection, R, 3,027
Summary/Prompt: Harry’s life changed when his marriage ended ten years ago, and now he is looking for his perfect someone.
LJ, IJ, or DW

Romance on the Orient Express, PG
Summary/Prompt: Severus and Harry take a romantic trip on the Orient Express.
LJ, IJ, or DW

A Spot of Trouble, NC-17, 15,830
Summary: As a new Dark threat arises, Auror Harry Potter is sent to Hogwarts to protect Headmaster Severus Snape – the very man who had rejected Harry's love two years before. Harry was determined to handle this assignment coolly and professionally, never letting on he still cared for the sardonic man.
LJ, IJ, or DW

Week Four+

The Second Time Around, NC-17, 28,800
Summary: Henry Porter owns a popular Bed and Breakfast in York. Ellis Keyes is a critic for “Europe’s Best B&Bs.” When they meet, they find out their alter egos knew each other quite well in a past life. Will things turn out differently the second time around?
LJ, IJ, or DW

Careful Negotiations, R, 2,175
Summary: Any relationship is made up of give and take. Good thing Harry knows when to give and when to let Severus take.
LJ, IJ, or DW

Only Until Midnight, G
Summary: "More than anything, Harry wished he could go to the ball. He wanted Severus to see him as Harry, not as Cinders. He wanted Severus to see him clean-faced and without any scars. He wanted Severus to see him as somebody he could spend his life with, somebody he could desire and quite possibly love. He wanted to feel Severus’s heart pounding rapidly against his own as they recreated that fantastic kiss in the dungeons all those years ago. He just wanted." - from [info]emynn's The Interrupted Kiss: A Fairy Tale.
LJ, IJ, or DW

Heart of Stone, NC-17, 20,000
Summary: To be the subject of unrequited love is not necessarily a good thing. Headmaster Snape finds this out the hard way. Harry Potter, meanwhile, forges another disturbing mental connection and once again, rushes to the rescue. This time, however, he has a plan, proving that even The Boy Who Lived (Again) can learn by experience.
LJ, IJ, or DW

A New World, NC-17, 2,085, Chan
Summary/Prompt: '...Severus let out a cry that would have woken both the neighbours and the dead ... which might have been a good thing, as all the neighbours were dead.'
LJ, IJ, or DW

A Bit of Holiday Cheer, G for art, PG for fic, 1,397
Summary/Prompt: Snape the barista brings a favourite customer a bit of holiday cheer.
LJ, IJ, or DW

Dark Equivalency, NC-17, 8,380
Summary: Severus Snape was sure of one thing: they were all Marked Death Eaters, ranting and raving, screaming and crying. Bedlam's chorus, attempting to drive him mad — madder.
LJ, IJ, or DW

Only Wanna be With You, NC-17, 5,383
Summary: Severus is about to find out that, “The human heart feels things the eyes cannot see, and knows what the mind cannot understand.” (Robert Valett).
LJ, IJ, or DW

Wrapped in a Bow, R (NWS but no naughty bits)
Summary/Prompt: Severus had always preferred a minimal wrapping style, anyhow... (My lovely recipient asked for romance, happy endings, bondage, and master/slave, and I gladly obliged).
LJ, IJ, or DW

Sense for the Senseless, NC-17, 17,000
Summary: Harry had his life all figured out — he’d marry Ginny, have a couple of kids, and live happily ever after. But when Ginny announces she’s gay, Harry’s entire world turns upside down.
LJ, IJ, or DW

The week one/two wrap-up can be found on LJ, IJ, and DW