27 April 2011 @ 06:01 am
Art: Gentle Seduction  
Title: Gentle Seduction
Artist: [info]vividzephyr
Pairing: Severus Snape/Harry Potter
Media: digital
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None.
Challenge: Drawn for [info]snarry100's prompt #263: Less is More, while borrowing from [info]snape100's prompt #379: Snape and Japan.
A/N: I couldn't think of a better title. :( But at least I got to play around with Harry in a yukata! Well, and Severus, too.
Disclaimer: Not mine. All characters are the creations of J.K. Rowling, I just borrow them.

(Gentle Seduction)
27 April 2011 @ 07:02 am
Snarry-a-Thon11: FIC: Cupid Stunt  
Title: Cupid Stunt
Author: [info]shiv5468
Other pairings/threesome: Various, some het.
Rating: PG 13, sorry.
Word count: 7,914
Warning(s): (highlight for spoilers) *None, really, apart from bad puns.*
Prompt: #004: After death, Snape becomes a cupid. He's the grouchiest, most reluctant, most cynical cupid ever, but he does his job--right up until his assignment is to make Harry Potter fall in love. Or perhaps he screws up the assignment?
Summary: Is it really wise to put a bow and arrow in the hands of a man with a grudge and no hesitation about shooting people in the back?
A/N: I’m sorry. Really, I am.

Cupid Stunt )
27 April 2011 @ 11:58 am
Snarry-a-Thon11: ART: With Me Always  
Title: With Me Always
Artist: [info]lemondropseven
Rating: PG
Media: Pencil sketch, Photoshop
Warning(s): None
Prompt: #78: Snape has a security blanket/stuffed animal from his childhood that he can’t quite bring himself to let go…even when Harry moves in.
Summary: What the prompt says.
A/N: I do not own Harry Potter and company, I just like to play with them. Thanks to the wonderful mods for running this awesome fest, and to the OP for the great prompt. Enjoy! :)

With Me Always thumb

With Me Always )
27 April 2011 @ 02:56 pm
Honeymoon Hopping  
Title: Honeymoon Hopping
Author: [info]alisanne
Pairing: Severus Snape/Harry Potter
Rating: PG
Challenge: Written for [info]snape100's prompt #381: Snape and The Netherlands. This in the sixth in my Snarry Honeymoon Series. The others are: Going Local, Being Masculine, Sticking with Tradition, Temple Tours, and Living the Dream.
Word Count: 100 x 3
Warnings: None
Beta: [info]sevfan
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

Honeymoon Hopping
Current Mood: working
27 April 2011 @ 03:41 pm
Snarry-a-Thon11: FIC: Whole Again  
Title: Whole Again
Author: [info]alisanne
Rating: R
Word count: +/- 7,200
Warning(s): None.
Prompt: Narcissa and Lucius have instructed a house-elf to secretly keep an eye on Headmaster Snape, in exchange for Snape looking after Draco. The elf arrives as soon as the trio leave the shack (not boathouse - shack!) and magically seals the wounds and replaces sufficient blood to keep Snape alive. He recuperates at Malfoy Manor but Draco thinks he is not 'himself'. Draco realises that Snape needs his memories - he gave too many away when he thought he was dying. Draco asks Harry for the memories. The trio go to Malfoy Manor to find a strangely compliant, mellow Snape who has knowledge of the recent past but who has lost the emotional connection - including his love for Lily...what happens when they give the memories back?
Summary: See prompt. :)
A/N: Thank you to my beta, who shall be named later, and to the mods for all their hard work.

Whole Again  )
27 April 2011 @ 08:22 pm
Snarry-a-Thon11: FIC: Love, Thieves, and Fear  
Title: Love, Thieves, and Fear
Author: [info]emynn
Rating: R
Word count: 13,721
Warning(s): (highlight for spoilers) *EWE, established relationship, and a tiny bit of domestic violence.*
Prompt: From the 2010 Snarry-a-thon: A Ghost/Horror Story - Harry has rebuilt the home at Godric’s Hollow, but after Severus begins a relationship with Harry, the ghost of James is hell bent on ridding Harry of Severus. The ghost of Sirius, Lily and Remus included would be interesting whether for good or evil. The ghost of James is not sane – death has not been kind to him.
Summary: Blissful newlyweds Harry and Severus move into Godric's Hollow, excited to start their new life together. But when the house goes from being drafty to deadly and Harry falls ill, Severus is forced to confront his fears in order to preserve his chance at lifelong happiness.
A/N: Some elements of this story inspired by the ever-wonderful television show Supernatural. Many thanks to FC for doing a fab beta job on such short notice! And thank you to Accioslash for doing such a wonderful job organizing this fest and being such an inspiration! *smooches*

Love, Thieves, and Fear