25 April 2011 @ 07:01 am
Snarry-a-Thon11: FIC: Order of the Phoenix, File Number: 056243  
Title: Order of the Phoenix, File Number: 056243 (The Case of the Family Discount)
Author: [info]gryffindorj
Other pairings/threesome: Teddy Lupin/James Sirius, mention of past Harry/Ginny
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 7,250
Warning(s): (highlight for spoilers) *Possible infidelity but not between Harry and Severus.*
Prompt: #029: Prompt for fic is the Snarry art Noir by [info]_odella_.
Summary: Despite Severus' misgivings Harry agrees to investigate James' boyfriend, for free.
A/N: Thank you to my team of help Q, R, T and Y.

Order of the Phoenix, File Number: 056243 (The Case of the Family Discount)  )
25 April 2011 @ 11:50 am
Snarry-a-Thon11: FIC: A Golden Opportunity  
Title: A Golden Opportunity
Author: [info]k8bnimble
Other pairings/threesome: Brief Harry/Draco
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 5,000
Warning(s): (highlight for spoilers) *Humor, watersports (not overly described), some language, mention of oral sex and spanking.*
Prompt: #67: Snape's or Harry's hobby always led them into troubles...”
Summary: Severus overhears the reason Harry and Draco break-up their short-lived relationship. He’s willing to do what Draco won’t if it means he has a chance to get with Harry.
A/N: For those of you who squick this kink – I do not describe it in great detail – I discuss more about the idea of it. While it’s the reason for why Harry and Severus come together (no pun intended) – it’s not the only thing here. Many thanks to my wonderful beta, elfwreck!

A Golden Opportunity )
25 April 2011 @ 11:55 am
Snarry-a-Thon11: ART: Rose, Wormwood, Gall, Rue  
Title: Rose, Wormwood, Gall, Rue
Artist: ysope
Rating: G
Media: Pencil colored in Photoshop
Warning(s): none
Prompt: #96: Catholic AU: Young Father Harry, the war hero, finds himself increasingly attracted to the embittered janitor/groundskeeper, Snape.
Summary: Young Father Harry is tormented by an internal conflict between his reverence for his priestly vows and the feelings he develops for the embittered Parish groundskeeper, Severus Snape.
A/N: Severus is definitely an overqualified groundskeeper. I think he probably is a fallen ex-professor with a deep knowledge of botany.

Rose Wormwood thumb

Rose, Wormwood, Gall, Rue )
25 April 2011 @ 08:56 pm
Snarry-a-Thon11: ART: Little Matchmakers  
Title: Little Matchmakers
Artist: [info]vividzephyr
Rating: PG-13
Media: Digital
Warning(s): None
Prompt: #82: Snape or Harry have an unusual job (for example: candy maker, animal shelter volunteer, black smith, jewelry maker, stationary maker, farmer...etc any rare/odd job is great) and some very loyal customers.
Summary: A walk in the park turns out to be the meeting of a lifetime for Harry and Severus.
A/N: Very loosely based on Disney's 101 Dalmations. Harry is a crupwalker.

Little Matchmakers thumb

Little Matchmakers )
25 April 2011 @ 10:01 pm
Celebrating, More or Less  
Title: Celebrating, More or Less
Author: [info]alisanne
Pairing: Severus Snape/Harry Potter
Word Count: 100 x 2
Rating: PG
Challenge: Written for [info]snarry100's prompt #263: Less is More
Warning(s): None
A/N: I spent the weekend watching wedding shows, can you tell? ;)
Beta: [info]sevfan
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

Celebrating, More or Less
Current Mood: calm