10 September 2010 @ 08:52 am
Back to Hogwarts: FIC: Diddling Considered as One of the Exact Magics  
Title: Diddling Considered as One of the Exact Magics
Author: [info]k8bnimble
Rating: Hard R or NC-17
Word count: aprox 7,200
Warning(s): (highlight for spoilers) *Handjobs, Masturbation, Fondling, Spanking the Monkey, Self-Abuse, Groping…lots of Snape’s hands touching things. A wee bit of dub-con in one scenario. Also – abuse of Edgar Allen Poe’s fine essay of roughly the same name.*
Summary: Harry writes an essay on Severus’ magical diddling skills with a nod and a wink to Edgar Allen Poe.
A/N: My deepest apologies for completely perverting Edgar Allen Poe’s “Diddling Considered as One of the Exact Sciences” but really with a title like that, what can you expect? An important note – “diddling” in Poe’s time meant to con someone or to deliberately mislead in order to gain something. I think we’ll all agree that Snape is a Master Diddler in all meanings of the word. The first half of this is pretty close to the original, grammar, odd spellings and all. Poe must have been envisioning Snape when he wrote this. After that, of course, I veered wayyyy off.

Many thanks to [info]isisanubis for being a terrific beta even with her computer issues. Thank you so much!

Diddling Considered as One of the Exact Magics  )
10 September 2010 @ 08:47 pm
Back to Hogwarts: ART: To The Rescue?  
Title: To The Rescue?
Artist: [info]snakeysnape
Rating: PG. Maybe PG-13 if you're bothered by guys with bare chests and nipple rings. Oh, and the word "ass" appears.
Media: The usual suspects: Poser & Photoshop.
Warning(s): (highlight for spoilers) *The artist is not responsible for any damages, physical or otherwise, that may be incurred while viewing this image. The artist is also not responsible for any of the consequences of viewing this image, especially if you do it in public. Come to think of it, the artist is just not responsible. Period.*
Summary: Harry Potter is a professor at Hogwarts, much to the amazement of Headmaster Severus Snape.
A/N: "Ha! Told you he didn't get all his OWLS."

To the Rescue Thumb

To the Rescue?  )

Title: The Fairy Prince of Hogwarts
Rating: G. PG-13 maybe if you're bothered by guys with bare chests and nipple rings.
Media: Poser 7 and PhotoPaint/PS Pro.
Warning(s): (highlight for spoilers) *The artist is not responsible if viewing this image leads you to perform acts of Snape worship. The artist is also not responsible for any of the consequences thereof, especially in public. ;-)*
Summary: A more detailed view of Snape from "To The Rescue?"
A/N: "As a matter of fact, Hermione, Draco Malfoy *does* have a fairy goth father. And here's the picture to prove it." :runs away giggling:

Fairy Prince thumb

The Fairy Prince of Hogwarts  )