08 September 2010 @ 09:08 am
Back to Hogwarts: FIC: The House-elf/Portrait Collusion  
Title: The House-elf/Portrait Collusion
Author: [info]centaury_squill
Other Pairings/threesome: Implied Harry/OMCs
Rating: R
Word count: 3,400
Warning(s): None
Summary: Years of observing Dumbledore have given another headmaster's portrait a taste for interfering in other people's lives.
A/N: Thanks to [info]shoeboxes4all for the beta, and to [info]accioslash for continuing to run fests I simply can't resist.

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08 September 2010 @ 09:58 am
Back to Hogwarts: Week 1 Wrap-Up  
Here is the wrap-up for the first week of the Back to Hogwarts fest!

Returns PG, 9,800
Summary: Going back may sometimes be going forward.
The Collection NC-17, 9,100
Summary: Harry’s unexpected assignment to Hogwarts leads him to rediscover some old passions.
Philandering Philosophers and Alternate Acts of Alliteration PG-13, 5,000
Summary: In which Madam Pomfrey doesn't have a brain injury, Snape gets drunk, and former Headmasters weigh in with their opinions on Snape's love life… or lack thereof.
An Anomalous Agreement NC-17, 14,100
Summary: Harry is determined to have a family of his own, even if he has to use a potion to carry the child himself! To do this, Harry returns to Hogwarts, where he seeks out the services of the best Potions master of all, Severus Snape.
Hogwarts Knows Best NC-17, 22,000
Summary: Guess who’s the new Potions professor at Hogwarts? And guess where he goes seeking advice?
Insanity Comes From Your Child R, 6,290
Summary: Harry was never placed with the Dursley family. Instead, Severus was made guardian of the child and raised him. He eventually adopts Harry and regrets this decision when the young man shows something other than the normal son-like devotion to him.
Ancient History PG-13, 2,129
Summary: In which Harry discovers things in other people’s minds – including his own.
Where He Belongs R, 15,050
Summary: While drinking alone one night, Severus Snape finds himself entertaining a visitor who, technically, does not exist.
For the Best R, 1,215
Summary: Harry discovers the importance of consistency and viscosity.

Greenhouse Five NC-17
Summary: Um, it's hot and earthy and full of life. A nice location for a bit of post-war rumpy-pumpy.
Pale Moon PG-13
Summary: Hogwarts is abandoned by all except for Harry and newly-turned vampire Severus Snape.
Silencio PG-13
Summary: Sound travels in the dungeons. USE CAUTION!
Private Lesson at Hogwarts Ballet School R
Summary: I rescued a lonely, neglected prompt from Snarry-A-Thon: #20- AU, Harry wants to be a ballet dancer, but of course Vernon disapproves of that - only 'nancy-boys' want to do that. How does Harry get his dream of attending Hogwarts Ballet School? Snape as one of the dance instructors, very strict.

FIC and ART:
First Kiss: Framed PG-13, 5,000
Summary: Severus turned and was gone, and Harry was left standing there and staring at the picture, the hand that had been touching the frame clenched in a fist. "I can wait."

And if you want to let us know that you've recced any Back to Hogwarts fic or art on your IJ/LJ/DW or anywhere else in an unlocked post, comment to this post, or drop us an e-mail at the mod email. Anything that collects three or more recs will be forwarded to the newsletters.
08 September 2010 @ 08:43 pm
Back to Hogwarts: FIC: A Bounty for Charon  
Title: A Bounty for Charon
Author: [info]lemondropseven
Rating: R
Word count: 2,308
Warning(s): (highlight for spoilers) *Violence, angst, dark!Harry, implied character death*
Summary: There's a new Dark Lord on the Rise. The only thing standing between him and taking over the United Kingdom is the Headmaster of Hogwarts, Severus Snape. The same man who turned his back on him, breaking his heart.
A/N: This is based on a Snarry-A-Thon prompt, which is quoted for you verbatim in the summary. Many thanks to [info]whitecotton for the wonderful beta job, and to [info]accioslash for being tolerant of my procrastinating ways.

A Bounty for Charon  )