07 May 2010 @ 02:00 pm
SNARRY-A-THON10: Week 5 Wrap-Up  
Here is the wrap-up for the final three days of the 2010 Snarry-a-thon!

Captive Spirit PG, 11,500
Summary: Harry is about to experience the empty nest syndrome. With his wife gone and children grown, can a surprise spiritual visitor fill the void?
In a Heartbeat R, 1,556
Prompt: #227 - HP crossed with the post-apocalyptic horror film. Whether it's out of control Inferi, Dementors, a deadly Wizarding virus/bomb-fallout/curse, or something else, society as we know it has collapsed and Our Heroes are now in a deadly post-apocalyptic landscape. They must fight to survive. Bonus points for including all the best and scariest horror tropes.
Tell Me I'm a Good Boy NC-17, 1,300
Summary: Harry tries so hard to make his Daddy happy.
Bring Together the Pieces NC-17, 8,000
Summary: Harry and Severus work together searching for artifacts and treasures. This time, they find something extra.
Too Hard To Go On, Too Much To Give Up PG-13, 1,069
Summary: Molly can't help but blame herself for Severus and Harry's problems.
A Shared History PG-13, 1,186
Prompt: #294 - Draco, Snape, and Harry walk into a bar...
Keep Buggering On NC-17, 4,300
Summary: Sometimes sitting here in this office at 10 Downing, Harry wonders how they even managed to let him in. He’s not typical Prime Minister material. An orphan. Divorced with three children—still living in North London with their Mum—whom he gets to see every two weeks. A political outsider who despises working within the established system, the Telegraph had called him during the election.
Scratch a Cynic.... NC-17, 1,400
Prompt: #448 - Someone sees a part of Snape's naked back and decides that he tortures himself/is tortured by someone (Harry?). The piece of gossip spreads and other teachers/Order members try to help and/or coddle the man, which of course drives him mad. When the info gets to Harry, will he admit that the 'whip marks' were in fact from his fingernails and out their secret relationship?
What's Good for the Gander is Good for the Goose NC-17, 1,200
Prompt: #69 - Harry & Ginny's sex life includes times when he blindfolds her & polyjuices her into a man. One time, the blindfold slips, and she finds out she's Snape.

Sidetracked R
Prompt: #382 - Harry teaches or shows Snape something. Please use the color green and a domestic setting.
The Tasting PG
Prompt: #265: Berry picking
Exactly What *I* Had in Mind... NC-17
Summary: The Ministry has commissioned a portrait of war heroes Harry Potter and Severus Snape.

And if you want to let us know that you've recced any Snarry-a-Thon fic or art on your IJ/LJ/DW or anywhere else in an unlocked post, comment to this post, or drop us an e-mail at the mod email. Anything that collects three or more recs will be forwarded to the newsletters.