17 April 2009 @ 07:26 am
Snarry-A-Thon FIC: The Man Who  
Title: The Man Who
Author: [info]dementordelta
Rating: Adult
Word count: 11,000
Warning(s): (highlight for spoilers) *Not Epilogue Compliant, world's worst cross-dressing.*
Prompt: Prompt #58: Charity auction -- who wouldn't pay tons of galleons for a couple of evenings with Harry Potter? Harry's very reluctant to be auctioned off, but does it for the charity. He convinces Snape to save him from the crazy fangirls by bribing him and giving him his own money for the bidding. Of course, since Harry knows Snape doesn't particularly like him, he assumes Snape won't claim the evenings together that he's "won", and is naturally very surprised when Snape does.
Summary: Sometimes a binding magical contract is just a binding magical contract.
A/N: Beta readers, [info]cruisedirector and [info]swtalmnd, who will be showered with love once the reveals are up.

The Man Who )
17 April 2009 @ 08:26 pm
Apple Crisp  
So, I've never posted to a community before so I'm really sorry if I messed this up somehow. Please leave me feedback, anything, even if its just to tell me things I did wrong. Much thanks and I hope you enjoy!

TITLE: Apple Crisp
AUTHOR: Jack Quaker
RATING: PG, PG-13 at the highest
SUMMARY: A story in which our heroes are brought together through the power of love… er… dessert… and a meddling Headmaster.
DISCLAIMER: I don’t own Harry Potter or anything pertaining to the world of Harry Potter.

Apple Crisp
Current Mood: anxious
17 April 2009 @ 10:31 pm
Snarry-A-Thon: ART: My Fair Potions Master  
Title: My Fair Potions Master
Artist: [info]cnary_crem_dght
Rating: G
Media: Photoshop
Warnings: none (shock!)
Prompt: 119. My Fair Lady a la Harry Potter
Summary: Professor Potter and Auror Weasley make a bet to see if Professor Potter can redeem Severus Snape's name.
A/N: I love the movie My Fair Lady and this is taken from the very beginning, where Higgins (or Harry in this case) meets a flower girl (potions seller) in the street. :)


My Fair Potions Master )