26 March 2009 @ 09:24 pm
FIC: Tapestry, by Rakina, PG, chapter 10/?  
Title: Tapestry, A Journey in Eight Stages
Author: Rakina
Rating: PG for now, probably rising to R or NC17 later.
Summary: Harry only has one thing from his parents: a blanket. But his mum and dad were magical, and so it turns out to be no ordinary blanket, after all.
Beta: A very big thank you to a new beta for me, [info]keyairreem, who managed to prevent me abusing any more poor ole' semicolons. *blushes*
Disclaimer: I am not making any money from the characters which belong to JK Rowling. No disrespect intended. I do, however, lay claim to the plot and original characters.
Note: Tapestry is still in Stage 2 of the 8-stage journey. Just in case you're wondering when Snape will come along. Harry's only 13 here, but he will be along soon, I promise.
Previous chapters are here.

Chapter 10: Clabberts' Bane )
Current Mood: creative