23 December 2007 @ 12:10 pm
Fic: My Castle For An Eyepatch... Make That Two, PG-13  
This is something of a companion piece to my previous fic My Castle For A Hanky. I'd recommend reading that one first, but I'm the author, so of course I would. XD It can actually be read on its own.

More silliness, focusing on Harry this time.

Title: My Castle For An Eyepatch... Make That Two
Author: Dream Away ([info]runawaydreamer)
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 2,802
Warnings: *laughs* Excessive nudity?
Disclaimer: I... I guess I could steal J.K.'s identity and this would be mostly legit. Anyone know her social security number? No? Pity, that. Otherwise, no own HP concepts/characters, no profit, and consider this disclaimed.
Author's Notes: This is post-Hogwarts, it isn't DH-compliant, and there really aren't spoilers for anything in here. Can certainly be read as a stand-alone, but a particular part makes more sense when read after My Castle For A Hanky.
Summary: Harry Potter is visually impaired. But not in the way you might think.

( Fake-Cut to my journal. )