Daily Scans - June 2nd, 2009
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01:15 am [proteus_lives]
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Another WEEK OF DOOM post! Naked Doom vs. Lion. Greetings True Believers! I am sooo excited that people have embraced the WEEK OF DOOM! (Yes, all caps. Love it.)
Have you ever asked yourself, "Gee, I wonder if Dr. Doom can kill a lion with his bare hands?"
Wonder no more! These scans are from the 2000 DOOM mini-series. It's about Doom's reconquest of Planet Doom (a.k.a Franklin Richard's Counter-Earth.) But this post is mostly about the awesomeness of Doom. Enjoy!

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Tags: char: dr. doom/victor von doom, creator: chuck dixon, publisher: marvel comics, series: week of doom
05:50 am [trueredorion]
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Skurge's Last Stand 6 pages of the definitive moment of Walt Simonson's run on the Mighty Thor, the final stand of Skurge the Executioner.
Tags: char: balder the brave, char: skurge the executioner, char: thor, creator: walt simonson, publisher: marvel comics, title: thor
09:14 am [sherkahn]
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Week of Doom: Unthinkable Part II Dr. Doom shows why he's Marvel's TOP villain.
Doom begins his plan against the FF using his new mystic powers.
*For the mods, FF Series 3, issues #68-70
10:02 am [volksjager]
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Remember the old "Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe" ?

Came across a few issues . Some of the Character profile art was excellent ...some was NOT. ( Read more... )
Tags: char: rogue/anna marie, char: scarlet witch/wanda maximoff, char: she-hulk/jennifer walters, publisher: marvel comics, title: official handbook of the marvel u
10:03 am [mosellegreen]
![[User Picture]](https://www.insanejournal.com/userpic/8462170/399431) [Link] |
Golden Age Wonder Woman These are from Sensation #24, 1943.
Tags: char: doctor poison, char: steve trevor, char: wonder woman/diana of themyscira, creator: william moulton marston, era: golden age, publisher: dc comics
11:19 am [cyberghostface]
![[User Picture]](https://www.insanejournal.com/userpic/7348461/376381) [Link] |
Week of Doom: Dr. Doom at Airport Security
Tags: char: dr. doom/victor von doom, creator: j. michael straczynski, creator: john romita jr., publisher: marvel comics, title: amazing spider-man
01:56 pm [espanolbot]
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Catwoman Abridged: Wild Ride (4 of 4) Previous section, http://asylums.insanejournal.com/scans_daily/357637.html#cutid1 ( Jazz Musicians behind the cut, y'all )
Tags: char: catwoman/holly robinson, char: catwoman/selina kyle, char: hawkgirl/kendra saunders, creator: cameron stewart, creator: ed brubaker, creator: jim balent, publisher: dc comics, title: catwoman
02:19 pm [zechs27]
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WEEK OF DOOM: ...AND WAR IS DECLARED! Continuing from my Doom 2099, I decided to post scans from #2-4 from the series. That said there be a lot of scans in here (even under the guidelines). So Dial Uppers beware! For those who dig Henry V there will be much quoting from it. Plus some great Doom moments as he leads a revolt to topple Tiger Wylde.

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Current Mood: cheerful Tags: char: dr. doom/victor von doom, creator: john francis moore, creator: pat broderick, publisher: marvel comics, series: week of doom
03:47 pm [cyberghostface]
![[User Picture]](https://www.insanejournal.com/userpic/8047523/376381) [Link] |
Norman and Kolina: A Love Story
In Unthinkable, Dr. Doom sacrifices his childhood love Valeria to a group of demons to gain ULTIMATE POWER and wears a new suit harvested from her skin. A lot of people here didn't like it, saying that it was too evil for Doom and it's something that Norman Osborn would do instead. I disagreed, saying that even Norman wouldn't go as far to do that to his loved ones.
And it was asked, "Does Norman really have any loved ones?" And the answer is yes, he does. Even if you were to say he doesn't love Harry (and I think he does deep-down, but that's for another day), Norman has still shown a softer side in the past when he's not trying to ruin Spider-Man's life, as evidenced in the Revenge of the Green Goblin miniseries...
Tags: char: donald menken, char: green goblin/norman osborn, char: spider-man/peter parker, creator: roger stern, creator: ron frenz, publisher: marvel comics
05:27 pm [sherkahn]
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Week Of Doom: For Lord and Land Given the heat stirred up by Unthinkable, I present an example of Doom being both the noble king and at once the most despicable of villains.
Tags: char: dr. doom/victor von doom, char: human torch/johnny storm, char: invisible woman/susan storm, char: lyja, char: mr. fantastic/reed richards, char: the thing/ben grimm, creator: tom defalco, group: fantastic four, publisher: marvel comics, series: week of doom
09:08 pm [xdoop]
![[User Picture]](https://www.insanejournal.com/userpic/7353880/376622) [Link] |
09:30 pm [zechs27]
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WEEK OF DOOM: Doctor Doom Loves/Hates Morgana Le Fay Part 1 There's been too much Valeria/Doom talk. Yeah we know Doom is fixated on her and did some nasty things to her as shown. However, what about the other gal who Doom hearts also, Morgana Le Fay? And yes I ripped off Spidey Loves MJ for naming this entry. It fits the two so fittingly.
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Tags: char: dr. doom/victor von doom, char: morgana le fay, creator: bob layton, creator: david michelinie, creator: ron lim, publisher: marvel comics, series: week of doom
10:13 pm [ex_stig213]
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The Sensational Spider-Man's Guide To Good Living
Tags: char: spider-man/peter parker, char: vulture/adrian toomes, creator: mike wieringo, creator: todd dezago, in-joke: context is for the weak, publisher: marvel comics, series: spider-man's guide to good livin, title: sensational spider-man
11:16 pm [dytabytes]
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616? We don't need no steekin' 616! Hey guys! This is my first time sharing comics at the new S_D so I'm really excited! I thought I'd share a little bit of the Marvel Adventures Avengers. It may be marketed to kids, but it's got snark, it's got action and it's got some pretty good characterization and minimal angst, which is my kind of comic. I'd especially recommend it to those who aren't exactly thrilled with current 616!canon. I know I like it more.
( Dial-uppers might not be happy. There's only a pair of images, but they're sorta big. )
Tags: char: captain america/steve rogers, char: hulk/bruce banner, char: iron man/tony stark, char: spider-man/peter parker, char: storm/ororo munroe, char: wasp/janet van dyne, char: wolverine/logan/james howlett, creator: jeff parker, group: avengers, publisher: marvel comics, title: marvel adventures, title: marvel adventures avengers
11:27 pm [bluefall]
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If He Be Worthy I have much more porn to post, I promise, but at the moment, I'm feeling a bit down over the Pens victory (look, I know they're a good team, I know we weren't going to sweep, but it was still a nice thought, you know?), so I thought I'd pull out a good pick-me-up I've had on tap for a while. I bring to you one of the few awesome things to come out of the Amalgam event - a Worthy Warrior.

Tags: char: storm/ororo munroe, char: wonder woman/diana of themyscira, publisher: dc comics, publisher: marvel comics