August 2020




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Jul. 12th, 2019



so the boss gave me permission to do something new here at the shop:

Repose Community Recs

i'm setting up a display at work with recommendations from people in town. you can comment here or come in and pick something out and fill in a card with your name and something about the comic you want to recommend.

everyone who submits a recommendation by the end of the month will get entered in a drawing for a $20 gift certificate to the shop. if it goes well we'll change them ever couple months and do another drawing.

my rec is mouse guard.

also, not at all related but, Elmore or Crunch, the Shy Dinosaur?

Jul. 6th, 2019




If I were an adventure in Repose, what would I be?

Jul. 1st, 2019


So, guys say lots of weird stuff during sex. Sometimes they can get real mean but it's usually so generic that you don't really take it to heart, sometimes they even apologise for it after

But 'not cute enough to do porn'? That one hurt.

Jun. 27th, 2019


public, jamie m.

If I were to say that I was going to have drinks and dancing at my place Friday evening, would anyone be interested in that sort of thing?

[Jamie M.]
I owe you an apology. I wasn't clear and it wasn't kind to you or Hannah and I'm sorry. I'm not certain of any way to make amends in any practical sense, but I do regret it, and since we will be working together, I felt it was important to acknowledge I made mistakes

Hannah thought that we should talk. My impression before was that you did not want to and I've no intention of forcing a confidence. But since we will be working together, even in an amateur stage performance, I didn't want to go without saying the above at the very least.


Log: Mao & Vaughn

Who: Mao and Vaughn.
What: Mao lets the cat out of the bag.
Where: Vaughn’s place.
When: A few days after this.
Warnings/Rating: Lowish???

Surprise! It’s me...! )



The electronics repair shop off 314 is now open for business. We repair and buy used electronics, accept all forms of payment, and any electronic items you care to offer up as tribute will be repaired for nominal fee or purchased outright. Used items are likely not worth as much as you think they are, apologies in advance, but know that your addition to this digital graveyard is, in a way, a donation to prevent planned obsolescence from swallowing the planet in junk, and isn't that reward enough?

[Here the address and operating hours: Mon-Fri, 11 AM - 9 PM]

Jun. 19th, 2019


public. anon.

[Might be excessively drunk at the time of this posting, but somehow aware enough to be anon.]

Advice time plz! Advice time, okay, yeah? I need some.

Say you meet someone right, and at the time you meet them you aren’t really yourself. Like YOU ARE yourself but a different version of you? And like you weirdly hit it off with the other person but you KNOW they wouldn’t treat you the same if you were your regular self and you wouldn’t be acting the way you act around them if you were your regular self mostly so you start feeling bad about it because hey they’re actually cool sbut you ARENT REALLY LYING to them cuz you ARE YOU but not you but you know things will be totally awk and maybe you wont be friends if you show them the real you

Do you SHOW THEM or keep up tyhe way things are also is there a time frame when you should do the showing like, i assume the longer you wait the worse it is but maybe i gotta be delicate about this


You’re playing an online game right and you make yourself a fucking cute girl when you’re not and you meet thi sperson and you make friends with them and you talk everyday and you do stuff for eachother and they think youre a cute girl but youre not and you like them when di you tel them????

ESCEPT in my situation it's real life and im not a cute girl they want to fuck in the version they know me so maybe my example isnt good cuz we do hang out but it's hard

Jun. 18th, 2019


I know I keep on about music but I really hate Comfortably Numb

Jun. 15th, 2019


To anyone who gives a fuck, The Chamberlain's Men is reopened for business. First fifty customers will receive a stupid tshirt and a free drink of their choice. Ta.

Jun. 12th, 2019


Delivery: Vaughn T

[In the weeks since their meeting, Vaughn has been the recipient of a variety of gifts. Not daily, but several times a week when he returns home from work there is something waiting for him. Sometimes they are left on the kitchen counter, sometimes the couch, but more often than not they are left on his bed.

Some of the gifts are as follows (in no particular order):

  • A pair of designer sunglasses.
  • A copy of the movie Ravenous.
  • A very expensive watch.
  • A Day of the Dead skeleton made of wood and clay with red sequins for eyes and glitter dusting it's ribs.
  • $214.63 in total over the course of several days, appearing in wads of crumpled mixed bills and handfuls of change.
  • A very nice, and very empty, pre-owned leather wallet.
  • A small pile of black feathers (left as a joke to make Vaughn think he’d find a dead bird somewhere in his apartment, but not to worry, the feathers are from a craft store.)
  • An opened three pack of Ring Pops with the blue raspberry flavored pop missing.
  • A white on black #1 Dad baseball hat.

    If asked about the origins of these things Mao is elusive, assuring only that they 'won't be missed.']
  • Jun. 11th, 2019



    [Typing slowly on the office computer, with his boss looking over his shoulder as he does. He's not used to a regular keyboard and he is surprised that typos aren't automatically corrected, and words are not automatically capitalized, either.]

    boss thought it would be a good idea to post here and remind everyone that new releases at the comic shop are buy 2 get 1 free on wednesdays

    so come in tomorrow and do that okay?


    i'm also supposed to say that it is buy two and get the third free, and the free one is the cheapest one because that's how sales like this work. it's not buy 2 and 1 of the 2 is free because somehow people think that.


    also- if you have any order requests or holds or need your pull list updated to please let me know. and that "we can't hold stacks of things for weeks on end, you know who you are."

    thanks again.

    May. 23rd, 2019


    [Bonfire: Everyone!]

    Who: Everyone! Anyone!
    What: Travis' bonfire.
    Where: Lakefront, behind Mason's home.
    When: Nowish/Night
    Warnings/Rating/Add'l: Anything goes. In headers place: locations, warnings, indication whether a thread is open.

    The bonfire. )

    May. 15th, 2019


    log: the capital - mao & vaughn

    Who: Mao and Vaughn.
    What: Mao gets caught having a midnight snack.
    Where: Hospital in the Capital.
    When: Late night.
    Warnings/Rating: Lowish? Mao chews on dead people idk.

    This wasn’t the kind of hunger that could be satisfied by binging at an all-you-can-eat chinese buffet... )


    Quaint little town you have here. Nicely delineated between this side and that side. Reminds me of home in a way. All you need is a gambling/opium/heroin den.

    May. 14th, 2019



    [After this.]

    The cats in town have gotten real big. I reckon them big cats best be careful fore someone starts thinking it's hunting season.

    May. 13th, 2019



    [As the weather grows warmer and spring inches toward summer, gossip turns to sightings of a large, dog-sized cat prowling various areas in town; namely the old cemetery and around abandoned properties in the woods. Some say it's eyes glow in the dark, others claim it has two tails, while the skeptical argue that there are reasonable explanations, like local wildlife being misidentified by those under the influence.

    There have also been reports of Will o’ the wisps or St. Elmo’s fire in similar areas of town, though no real connection between the cat sightings and the fiery lights has been made. The phenomenon has mostly been assumed to being brought about by the changing of the seasons.]

    May. 11th, 2019



    Best book you ever have read and worst book you ever have read.

    Give me your answers and I'll put your name in a drawing for a free espresso drink of your choice for Monday morning.

    Edit. Noah - come in and get your drink.

    Sep. 15th, 2018



    [As 'Rån']

    Okay, so prison? Totally fucking sucks. What a complete buzzkill. Here's a tip, avoid it at all costs. They wouldn't even given me fucking tampons. Outrageous, am I right? That bullshit was worse than seventh-grade sex ed on the embarrassment scale. How much pop culture have I missed? Is Miley still scandalous??

    Sep. 9th, 2018




    You're all so fucking loud

    Sep. 3rd, 2018



    [While this begins to seep into town.]

    Gosdfuck theres waspsin me ifeel thembuzzinmoving in me icant throwthemup cuz in myhead stujckin my headcan t throwrmup turninginsiwde out cant thrownm up fuckiING BUZZING FUCKS THESE WASPSS!!1 GET OUT!!!

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