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May 2017


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Posts Tagged: 'terry+boot'



hello yes I just want to tell my friends that I'm okay oh wait it's writing already full stop yes hello this is me comma Terry and my mind is fine I have forgotten some things around the battle but they tell me that this is normal for trauma full stop no please put an actual full stop Grandpa do you have another one no please erase that ERASE no Mum I am not asking them for medicinal marijuana erase that ERASE oh will you bloody do as you are told



Hello all. This is Patsy Boot, Terry's mother. My parents and I are currently at St. Mungo's with our boy, and his father will be arriving from France shortly.

While Terry's condition has not deteriorated further and his healers believe that he will live, he has yet to regain consciousness. [...] He has also sustained a great degree of nerve damage from dark magic, and his healers cannot at this point rule out some of the damage being cognitive. I personally am hoping for the best, while preparing myself for the worst.

We will do our best to keep you informed of any new information as we acquire it. Please also pass on the contents of his ward to his friends outside of Ravenclaw. We hope that our brave boy will soon be back with us gardening with his grandparents and keeping his bird watching journal up to date once more.



Anthony's safe.




[Ernie, Seamus - context]
Hello, Seamus?



[Parvati & Lavender]
So, I have some gossip! Nice gossip. And I was going to tell you today but then everything else happened and I'm no longer sure that it's appropriate? But then I thought "well, maybe it's the kind of inappropriate that Parvati and Lavender need." I don't know, however, because I'm not either of you and I don't want to assume anything. So just feel free to pay no mind to this ward!

I don't think that I can give Neville an answer right away.



[Dumbledore's Army]
I haven't seen Anthony since Muggle Studies.

[Ravenclaw - HEP]
Hi everyone. Has anyone seen Anthony around at all?



[Dumbledore's Army]
Evening, all. There have been a lot of good ideas generated, so I wanted to put them all under the same roof and see what we can expand on together, and perhaps if certain people wanted to take the lead on different things.

    - Potions: Michael and Andrew have been stockpiling potions ingredients. They also prepared the potions that were in the care packages we sent out. There have been discussions on how it has been challenging to obtain certain ingredients, but I believe they had a few ideas around those lines - one may have been obtaining Potions ingredients under the guise of being for other classes?
    - Healing: In light of how the Carrows have attempted to dissuade Madam Pomfrey from healing "unfavourable" students (something that I feared may happen), Parvati and I have discussed the need of continuing to maintain our stocks of both healing potions and plants (see above) and of learning more healing spells ourselves. Parvati suggested perhaps coming up with a way to practice and learn the spells before a live subject becomes a sad reality. Perhaps there's some kind of charm to replicate something relating to the human organs? I know that pigs are said to have a similar internal makeup to humans.
    - Protective Spells: I believe that Ernie at least may be focusing on those. I assume he's not alone?
    - Pamphlet: Focusing on jinxes and counter jinxes this time around? Perhaps we could also include an inspirational or informative quote from famous Muggles per issue, which would have the dual effect of buoying the students and countering some of the negativity we've been force-fed through Muggle Studies. One for the Gryffindors: "Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point." C. S. Lewis

On a personal note:
    - I can possibly 'lift' the odd thing from the greenhouses, as Herbology is a subject of mine.
    - Perhaps we could meet up in the Room and do something 'fun' in order to boost morale/team build together? Perhaps someone else who has a less unorthodox idea of 'fun' than myself can take over from this?

I don't really know how to word what I will next attempt to articulate. I know that these are trying times, and that every action carries some degree of risk - not only for ourselves, but for others as well. I attempt to draw what I can in encouragement from the fact that the Carrows are clearly trying to snuff out the existence of our little group, so we are certainly getting to them.

[Parvati, Celia, Susan]
Please let me know if there's anything I can do. I'm so sorry.



I'm working on my Patronus* in the Room this evening, should anyone like to join me.

Also I believe that this subject has been approached before, but (a) who do you consider to be particular at risk and/or vulnerable students, and (b) how should we best reach out to them?

*His is a demiguise, for the record.

Between my mother and my two good friends not having eaten all my lollipops after all, I too have quite a deal of confectionery left after St. Valentine's Day, should anyone care for some.

[Raventrio + Padma]
Would it be stepping on any toes to suggest that the D.A. do a rebuttal of Umbridge's article as a group? Propaganda of this type from such an official source is highly concerning, and I must admit that I found myself becoming rather indignant whilst reading it. [...] In fact, I must also confess that I got excited to the point where I have a good half of a draft rebuttal already written. Highly presumptuous, but I was rather vexed about it all and caught up in the moment! The Force was with me!

Terribly sorry for how Peeves went and blurted out your private business, as is his wont. I hope that you were not unduly embarrassed.

[Dumbledore's Army - after this]
Evening, all. How would people feel about penning a rebuttal to Umbridge's Daily Prophetganda piece and using sticking charms to post them throughout the halls sometime? Anthony has also suggested doing similar for whatever Malfoy eventually comes out with.



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