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May 2017


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Posts Tagged: 'andrew+kirke'



It's really fucking weird without loads of people. It was weird when it was just a few like Colin and Madison and then Luna never came back and Ginny never came back and now everyone's just gone Has anyone heard anything about the missing people There's months left of term and how the heck are we going to leave Fucking Carrows and fucking cruciatus curse hurts like a bitch I'm sick of being scared Remember when the worst things in our lives were just one prisoner on the run who broke into Hogwarts but he was just one person

Whoops, that'll teach me for knocking ink all over my open journal.

Anyone around and any good at chess? Or cards. I don't think I believe in homework today.



Happiest of birthdays to Celia Brown. Everyone be nice to her today.


Happy birthday old lady. Present exchange? Usual place?



Anyone else find themselves wishing their parents were millionaires this morning?

It's done. I told him.

Is Jack still not talking to either of you? I think I've just joined the club.



Happy Last Week of Term, Hogwarts. Start picking your train seats now as it's going to be a rush to get to them. Guard yourselves and anticipate a potential stampede.

Megs, do you have any thoughts on chocolate substitutes or alternatives? I have a little bit stashed away because ever since second year you could never be too careful, and chocolate is the undisputed best remedy. I was thinking there's calming potions but they might make people unnaturally laid-back, and cheering charms unnaturally happy. But then cheering charms could act against the dementor M.O. of getting rid of cheer? Or should we just try stock up on chocolate over break and hope they aren't sadistic enough to take it away from us?

Sorry, where's my manners, how's it going with you?



(after dark arts detention)

Now forgive me if I'm repeating myself but-- actually, no, it apparently needs repeating so I will -- but there is some kind of gross injustice about getting detention for refusing to participate on moral grounds in a class you did not elect to take. Not to mention that the detentions are now just openly physical abuse. There you go, Dumbledore's Army, you have a whole load more for your next listing.

Come the fuck on, this detention nonsense has got to stop.

Let's not even start on how utterly disgusting it is to insist students convict each other for fictional crimes. Actually, no, let's start. Who wants to argue that Mock Wizengamot (in the form it took) was anything but a fucking farce? I'm interested in some debate.



Dear Carrows: you're making jokes about your hiring criteria just too easy now. It's like shooting fish in a barrel.

Also?? How many people have Dragon Pox now? I just heard Parkinson the younger has gone green. Literally.

Hi. We should discuss this Mock Wizengamot crap, as much as the idea pains me. Of the actual thing, not discussing it with you two.



Jack's been moved to the hospital wing so I'm guessing he hasn't just got a cold or flu. I tried to sniff around and ask but I wasn't getting any answers. Rumour has it that they've all got symptoms of dragon pox, which is exciting definitely not fatal (well, high risk patients such as the elderly it could be but that's irrelevant) so that's good! Except if it's true we're definitely not going to be allowed to visit. His sister is upset about it so if you see her, give her a hug or something yeah?

I've put a get well soon card in the common room to sign though if everyone could, thanks.

Oh, and Ritchie - just because you're a famous wireless personality now doesn't mean I'll pay for your autograph on the card. (Just messing.)



Could anyone let me copy their notes from Herbology and Potions on Friday please? I missed over half of Herbology so I wouldn't need everything from that class. I don't want to get even slightly behind just because the Carrows think missing lessons to be questioned about your friends is completely fine.

Thank you.

I heard Hagrid and the Care of Magical Creatures lot are holding a party tonight. Anyone going?



Does anyone else find it funny (funny-odd not funny-ha-ha) that there was an entire Career Fair day based around St Mungo's, that requires a subject no longer on the curriculum for most of their skilled jobs? It was in the entry requirements. Thumbs up to the staff who tried to work around answering that question though. You did well. Just observing, don't mind me.

Cake pops were good though. If badly placed. That said, would you be more likely to eat a cake pop from poison ward or diseases? Anyone?

Oh, and if anyone wanted to know how gross Scrofungulus is? Jack has pictures. Gloriously gruesome ones. Come see if you want nightmares. Or if you're into that kind of thing. No judgement here.

Hey. I don't know if you're still wanting to be alone Fuck the Carrows Your dad was nice I got you some food from dinner in case you want it. Let me know and I'll leave it in Ginny's care or something.



I was going to cancel my subscription to the Prophet after that vomit-inducing engagement announcement my sister somehow got them to publish but didn't. Now, after reading that Umbridge is suddenly an expert on what makes people feel safe? I'm going to have to think up a more creative way to cancel. What a load of rot.




Has anyone had any further information about the situation with Herbology past being told it's "cancelled until further notice"? I'm thinking of starting study hours in the times we would have had class. I know there's a limit to how much we can do ourselves and Professor Sprout is unparalleled in her knowledge, but I don't want to let anything lapse due to whatever administrative decisions are thrust upon us right now by the Powers That Be. I'm serious about getting the best grade that I can under these circumstances. Anyone is welcome to join me if they want.

How's future stardom treating you, Jack? Do you need us to be there as your avid fans?



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