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May 2017


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Posts Tagged: '%7E+freya+jugson'



Well, at least we'll have plenty of time for revision. And once the weather gets a bit better we can do our work outside in front of the lake.

So, what are you up to on this fine day?



I don't blame Dumbledore's Army for the decisions of those in charge. The people in charge made their decisions. Blame them. Either way, it's not going to change anything. I'd just hate to see witch hunts start all over the place because people are desperate.

Anyway, I think I was the only one in my year not to get a career recommendation. Wonder what that means...

Just kidding, I wouldn't put any stock in their recommendations anyway.



You know, I hear Ilvermorny is supposed to be pretty cool. Sure, their obstinate American brains prefer Quadpot to Quidditch for whatever reason, but it's not like we've got Quidditch anymore anyways--or anything funny, as of tonight. Plus, we're barely even getting a decent education anymor-

Okay, hi everyone. I don't know how to do this in a right and safe way, but would anyone be interested in having some sort of quiet, Ravenclaw memorial for Professor Flitwick? I just think it's grossly unfair that they've canceled his memorial. I'm not sure how it would work--maybe small groups to make it seem like we're just studying together? I don't know. I'm just still very upset about it and want some--formal way to express that.

Feel free to let me know if you think this is a completely impracticable idea not worth pursuing.






So how exactly does one become qualified for the Dumbledore's Army? Do you have to do irritating things to deprive other students from having basic human needs? Do you have to post things that are triggersome on the walls?

Asking for a friend, of course. Thanks for everything, members of the Dumbledore's Army. Thanks a lot.



Over my dead body will I ever work at Gringotts or any other sort of boring desk job. And--okay, for practicality's sake, even if I HAD to do something of that nature for a while, it would only be to fund my research and invention pursuits, which I'd still consider my real job.



That was actually a lot better than I expected? I mean, I didn't expect it to be bad, just that I kind of planned on pursuing Quidditch so I didn't think about other options. I'm actually kind of excited about the next round, now.

Maybe tomorrow they'll have a "So You Want to be the Minister" seminar for you.

I have so many mixed emotions right now.



The downside to already knowing exactly what you want to do after Hogwarts is feeling like you're wasting the time of all of the people who took time out of their day to come and offer us information and guidance. I realize I'm probably in the minority, but still. The upside of visiting all of the booths anyway is affirming the fact that you don't want to do anything but what you already want to do.

Did anyone find their career soulmate today?

“I will not say: do not weep; for not all tears are an evil.”

Professor Flitwick wasiswas a very beloved Professor. He was kind, generous, full of live and humour. He has been an excellent instructor and has always shown a great interest in all of his students. Anyone who has spent time with him could tell you how much he loved his job. He wanted to see his students succeed in life. He is the kind of Professor every Professor should strive to be. He was a wonderful mentor and I will miss him greatly.

Congratulations to everyone that got a role in the upcoming play. I know it may feel strange, to be excited about something given the recent tragic news, and that's understandable. It is okay to find joy, even during a terrible time. If you want to be happy, be happy, if you want to grieve, grieve. It does not have to be one or the other, a person is capable of feeling more than one emotion at a time.



I know I definitely feel like going to Hogsmeade after hearing about how my head of house's mutilated body was found there. Sounds great.



[Stephen and Shawna]

We're going to start a surveillance project on the Ravenclaw Common Room overnight! I will devise shifts for us so we can try to catch any students sneaking in or out.

Let me know if you have any early mornings where you would prefer to not be on duty that night.


We're all, of course, very distraught about Professor Flitwick. He was always a wonderful teacher.

Do let me know if you need a shoulder to lean on during this difficult time.



Not the news I expected today.



Joy, another Tuesday and with it, another illuminating Muggle Studies class.

As usual, more lies about Muggles. In Tinworth, the some Muggles dress up as us for Halloween but a lot of the ones I know say they don't believe in our existence. I'm not sure how you can hate or be afraid of something you don't believe exists. Must be a talented lot. A lot of what they do think of us, in a mythical sense was perpetuated by us, anyway. It seems kind of unfair to lead someone to believe one thing and then punish them for their beliefs later, doesn't it? We wanted them to leave us alone and now they do. But I guess that's not enough anymore for some people.

Well, can't wait to see what fresh horrors await in Dark Arts tomorrow.



The auditions were just as wonderful as I thought they would be. I think some people found their calling. Particularly Professor Carrow, directing totally her calling...



You're all very welcome for my not subjecting you to my own potentially disastrous audition today that would have mostly revolved around just how tone deaf I actually am, but, that being said, it was a lot of fun watching everyone else. So, thanks to everyone that did actually give it a go and let us observe.

On a much sadder note, I've officially eaten my last bit of chocolate from Christmas. I had been rationing it, but it could only last but so long and now I'm without. It's probably for the best, but my sweet tooth disagrees.



So who has broken their New Year's Resolutions already?



Wow, a school play...sounds super fun. Really can't think of any other extracurricular that'd be more exhilarating.



I hadn't realised there was ever a play about Martin Miggs, but I'm excited all the same. It's nice to see Hogwarts have some sort of arts-related thing at last! I am ready for the auditions, oh yes, I am. Good luck to everyone else auditioning, too!



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