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May 2017


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Posts Tagged: 'michael+corner'




So it's Susan's birthday on Friday and I've successfully bothered the Powers That Be into okaying her having some visitors for a bit of a celebration. She can't have too many which is why I've kept the circle small, but I thought a cake and some balloons and us hanging out with her for awhile would be nice?

How does around 2 sound for people?



I know everyone is grieving the people that they've lost, I am too. And I know the following story might be hard for people to read, so if you'd rather not read a story about the deaths of one of the people that died during the battle, please skip the rest of the post.

When Seamus Finnigan died, he was fighting a Death Eater called Augustus Rookwood. Rookwood was a veteran of the first war against You-Know-Who, and spent the years after that war in Azkaban. He was released by YKW in the break out, and Rookwood went on to be one of the Death Eaters placed in the Ministry to further their agenda. You may recognise his name from all of the Department of Mysteries bullshit about Muggleborns.

Rookwood also died in the battle, because even as he was dying, Seamus refused to go out without taking one of the assholes with him.

Vale, Seamus. You're already missed.



A seemingly competent new teacher, no new insane rules for us to follow. I wonder what fresh hell Muggle Studies and Dark Arts will bring this week?



What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?

So, it seems like the DMLE is getting regular updates on what is going on at Hogwarts. Isn't that fun?

[ JACK ]
Hey. How's your break going?

Hey love. How're you holding up?



Hey ladies. So I'm sure you're not enjoying our new chaparones any more than I am so I wanted to see if you'd like to learn how to create a Patronus. It's a bitch of a charm to learn, but could come in handy. [...] And I'd be happy to teach any of your friends that aren't going to tell tales to the Carrows.

[...later] [ ANDREW & ERNIE ]
So I've been offered the run of an apothecary in Knockturn Alley. I think I might go check it out over the break.



So what did you get up to in Dark Arts today, kids?

High five, everyone.

So I had a random thought after the meeting about people contacting us, either to join or just because they want our help. I wonder if there was something we could come up with that let people get in touch without any of us outing ourselves. I don't have an answer, but I'm surely we can put our heads together?

[ JACK ]
Hey. I'm so sorry.



0 stars for the Carrow Cages for an overnight stay. Cramped conditions, no bathroom, no room service.

I salute you, Ginny Weasley.

I think we need to go bigger with our reporting on what the Death Eaters are getting up to. People outside the castle need to know how bad it is.



What a load of bullshit.



Hey everyone,

So a few people mentioned not really knowing how to cast the shield charm, so I thought I'd offer my help as a tutor or practice partner for those who'd like it. I've got notes for the more advanced versions as well if anyone's interested.



I figured I'd wait until this afternoon to actually check in on you. Last night seemed pretty intense, yeah? I didn't want to add to the whole mess. Are you okay? Or, well, I doubt you're really "okay," but I figured I'd ask, anyway.

I know it's not the same, but I was thinking there could still be some sort of memorial for Professor Flitwick over Easter hols, outside of school, if you still wanted to do something, or do what you'd originally planned but in a different setting. I'd help, for sure.



You know I'm still not sure how my hair qualifies me to be a welcome wizard, but it seems like a fun enough job. Maybe I'll volunteer at St M's during the hols.

Apparently I'm 'Michael fucking Corner'. Did either of you know this and why didn't you tell me?



okay since the Carrows have fucking ruined Valentine's Day we definitely need to mess up the play. What do people think about having the Howlers interrupt the play rather than breakfast or something? I think it'd piss them off even more. Susan and I have been working on the charm to get them to fly and I reckon with a bit of help we could have them ready in time.

[ JACK ]
Thinking about your lollipop will definitely keep me awake at night.

Next Hogsmeade?

Be careful of the lollipops that come with the grams, a bunch of them are Acid Pops. Happy Valentine's Day!



Fucking Death Eaters.

anyway while i was in hogsmeade i talked to the owl office about ssending the howlers and it's basically impossible to send anonymous mail let alone to hogwarts so i had another idea

so the ministry has this internal mail system where memos basically fly themselves to their recipients so i was thinking we could do something like that. so if anyone wants to help create a charm that will do that then let's do it.

also fuck umbridge.

fun fact: shockingly, the daily prophet is full of shit.



I know I definitely feel like going to Hogsmeade after hearing about how my head of house's mutilated body was found there. Sounds great.



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