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May 2017


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Posts Tagged: '%7E+seamus+finnigan'


Despite my sister being a Cursebreaker, I didn't imagine that field being an option for me. I am curious to know why I was even recommended for it.

I'm debating on whether or not I should tell our sister that I was recommended for a career in her field. I think she'd be too excited and would possibly demand that I come stay with her in Japan.



Truthfully was not interested in any of the career offerings today (though it was a nice change of pace overall), so I found myself spending a lot of time at the spirit division for the hell of it. Did you know part of what they do is decide places to haunt? Like....?! What a brilliant job to have if you wanted to exact revenge on people, just suggest your co-workers go off and haunt the flats and houses of your enemies.

Consider this a warning should I find myself working in the Spirit Division one day.

Overall, I'm a bit disappointed in this department. It did not at all meet my expectations for what a "Spirit Division" would do.



Three solid days of Ministry-related careers. You'd think they were pushing us in a direction or something.

Disappointing, though, that I'm not seeing any specific representatives for my preferred career. Then again, what sort of advice would one give to someone who wanted to become a spontaneously fabulously rich person who lived a life of tacky and over-the-top luxury?



So Professor Mulciber's a Hufflepuff?

“I will not say: do not weep; for not all tears are an evil.”

Professor Flitwick wasiswas a very beloved Professor. He was kind, generous, full of live and humour. He has been an excellent instructor and has always shown a great interest in all of his students. Anyone who has spent time with him could tell you how much he loved his job. He wanted to see his students succeed in life. He is the kind of Professor every Professor should strive to be. He was a wonderful mentor and I will miss him greatly.

Congratulations to everyone that got a role in the upcoming play. I know it may feel strange, to be excited about something given the recent tragic news, and that's understandable. It is okay to find joy, even during a terrible time. If you want to be happy, be happy, if you want to grieve, grieve. It does not have to be one or the other, a person is capable of feeling more than one emotion at a time.



I know I definitely feel like going to Hogsmeade after hearing about how my head of house's mutilated body was found there. Sounds great.



Fuck this. And I reckon we're meant to believe this was just a--a what? A totally random act of brutality? Just mere coincidence? Right.



Earned more detentions. Thinking about keeping a tally going for how many I can get in a month. Taking bets for February.

I think we ought to have a meeting. There's a lot we need to talk about. I know we had said that it would cause a lot fear if we went right out and said it at the beginning of the year--But maybe it's time. Only those in denial don't believe Snape is a Death Eater. It's not that surprising that the Carrows would be. And we haven't even spoken up about Mulciber.

What do you think? If you do think we should get the conversation going then it'll be important for you to come with ideas on how to get that started.



In light of recent events, I wanted to urge anyone who feels afraid of hostile learning environments to direct their concerns and fears to our new headmaster. He has experience with this sort of thing.




Auditioning on the stage today was exhilarating. I think I have finally found my life's calling. WADA here I come.

So the Carrows didn't hand out the scripts and I'm pretty sure no one will get to see them until rehearsals start. I'm also pretty sure Ms. Carrow is writing it herself because when I asked if she was, she winked at me. I now need an Obliviator to removed that horrid winking memory from my brain.

So there's that.



Want to come with and see if we can make her tear her hair out?

edited later to add:
Who is planning on auditioning? Neville and I were thinking that some of you could split up into pairs or groups and use your legitimate interest in the play to try to get your hands on the script before the auditions start.



I spoke to Professor Sprout this morning and she confirmed that Marlow Till is still missing. Please keep a lookout for him. I am planning on arranging some searching efforts throughout the day, if you are interested in being part of them. It worries me that he has been gone for so long.

On a happier note, I would like to wish everyone good luck who auditions for the play today. I'll be there as well.

to be edited as people offer, those who wish to help search:
Neville Longbottom, Hannah Abbott, Adelaide Montgomery {near the Forbidden Forest)
Susan Bones, Ritchie Coote (First floor and second floor, all wings)
Hugh Harper, Parvati Patil (Third and fourth floor, all wings)
Megan Jones, Seamus Finnigan (Fifth and Sixth floor, all wings, and the Astronomy tower)
Ernie Macmillan, Celia Brown (Dungeons, boathouse)
Mallory Pips, Rhys Cadwallader (Greenhouses and Quidditch areas)



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