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May 2017


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Posts Tagged: 'ernie+macmillan'



7th years, minus slytherin (except tracey), minus hep ([...] except oliver) )

celia )

lavender )

anthony & sally )



I heard from Justin - he's been released and is at Mungo's. I'm going to try to visit him in the next few days, if anyone wants to come or has a message to pass on.

I'm home, got released today. If anyone still in the hospital needs anything let me know, I'm apparently already getting a novel with a shirtless man with long hair and a kilt on the cover for Sally, so since I'm definitely ordering that by owl post instead of going to a store and having to buy it in person if you have any other owl post orders just let me know.

I'm getting really worried about Wayne - no one's heard anything? Should we reach out to his parents? I don't understand why they won't just tell us who's still missing or confirmed dead or any other information they have.



So I've just arrived at St. Mungo's, and I don't know about anyone else, but I have no idea what's happened to most of my friends. I heard Kingsley is Minister of Magic, and I'm going to assume that's good news because I'm pretty sure that I saw him fighting Death Eaters, but really, I have no idea. I'm starting a list, if you know of someone's status let me know and I'll update.

Please don't share information unless you're confident - I'd like for this to be as factual as possible. And obviously don't read this list unless you're ready to know, because Merlin knows I wish I didn't.


OOC Note: He stopped updating/responding after this comment because FUCK THIS LIST.



[ DA ]
This is getting ridiculous. How to we protect ourselves so we don't end up having to run, and how do we protect the students who don't have the room to escape to? We can hardly fit the entire school in there, we need to figure out a better long-term solution.

[ Tracey ]
I know you were aware this was a possibility, but just to put any concerns to rest, Anthony's safe.

[ Megan and Lisa ]
Thank you again for your help yesterday. If it isn't too much to ask, I'd appreciate if you didn't share what happened with anyone else.

I'm almost used to the broth and bread at this point. Not quite, but almost.



I think my least favourite part of Sundays is that we have to go to Dark Arts again. Over/under on whether not we'll actually be doing the killing curse?

[ DA ]
Looks like both Seamus and I got attacked in the hallway for no good reason, anyone else? So, not that we're not already, but we need to be careful.

Also, did we still want to do a Howler or something to let people know that Neville and everyone are okay? I'm not sure if the fact that more people are disappearing is making those who don't know more nervous, or less.

[ Megan ]
You ever figure something out to counter the effects of the Cruciatus?

[ Tracey Davis ]
I may have mentioned your name to Viola Belby as someone who she would be safe around in the common room, so if you've developed a shadow, apologies. I kind of assumed you were safe since you're dating Anthony.

[ Wayne and Parvati ]
Parvati, I give very bad girl advice, so Wayne needs a love reading.



I suppose I should have expected that from Dark Arts today, but I was really hoping we wouldn't go there.

Performing Cruciatus on other students, what high standards we have at this school.

[ 7th year DA Members ]
I'm wondering - how many of us are considering joining the Order after we finish here? I know of a couple of you besides myself, just wondering how many total. And if anyone knows what we can do to make ourselves desirable - are they even looking for more people? How do we prepare? I know there probably isn't any official application process, so how does it all happen?

[...] After Dark Arts today I'm more or less writing off my NEWTs at this point, but I'd already written out my study schedule so I need somewhere else to focus my energy, and this is as good a place as any.



I have to say, I expected things to feel much more different outside Hogwarts than they do. Aside from the general gloom - which has been there since this summer really - home feels pretty much the same as it always does. Anyone else surprised by that?

[ Sally ]
I'm feeling pretty much normal at this point, so I wanted to see how you were doing? I know I haven't been a good host, but if there's anything you need just let me or my parents know. Tomorrow we're getting together with the extended family for Easter - you're more than welcome to come, of course! Zacharias is more than likely going to be there of course, I don't know if that makes you more or less likely to want to come.

Also, we should talk about the sneaking back supplies back into school. I told my mum I was at my mum's clinic today and I think we can get some things from her - and maybe even do the sneaking it into girl supplies thing you were talking about.

[ Zacharias ]
Are you going to Easter dinner tomorrow?

Also, we should talk about the DA meeting on Wednesday. We can talk about it tomorrow, around family, or we can talk about it here on the privacy of the journals - I'll let you choose.



I know we all have a number of things on our minds at the moment and I do not in any way want to distract from our missing classmates and the complete lack of information we're getting on them, but if you're a Herbology student and want to start a study group, let me know. Some of us still have the NEWTS and OWLS in a few months, so I'll be spending the new free period I have in the greenhouses, and I'd be happy to work with younger students who want to keep up their studies as well. I'd like to think we'd be making Professor Sprout proud.

Is anybody back yet? Has anyone gotten information about where they are? I mean, Easter break is next week, so they have to be back and okay soon, right?



Are the NEWTs (and OWLs, I suppose) this year going to be for Dark Arts, or Defense Against the Dark Arts? After all, we've had six years of one, and only one year of the other.

[ dumbledore's army ]
So we're learning Imperio - any bets on how long until we start to get lessons on the other two?

I know I've read that it's possible to resist the curse - maybe we can have an upcoming leaflet about that? I'm going to do some research at the library on it - if it's important enough for them to teach us, I think it's important enough for us to counter it. Gryffindors, I remember hearing that Harry resisted our fourth year when Moody went over the Unforgivables with us - true, or just a rumour?



I can't say I entirely understand the purpose of a pre-announced headcount at curfew?



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