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May 2017


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Posts Tagged: 'neville+longbottom'



If anyone needs a place to stay because of whatever circumstances, my gran has four extra guest rooms that are open. We'd be happy to help in whatever way we can--shelter or otherwise. No questions asked, no expectations, no strings.



[posted Saturday, May 6, late afternoon]
I'm home at my Gran's now. I'm sorry I didn't let you know when they released me, but I had some things I needed to do alone and I felt like you'd understand that. [...] I stopped to see my parents. It was the first time I'd been there by myself, actually. Minors aren't allowed in without supervision, so I've always been with Gran and it was [...] different being able to go without her.

Tomorrow morning, I'm eating pie and ice cream for breakfast and getting chips for dinner. Do you want to come with me?

I'm back at my Gran's now. "Almost entirely recovered," they said.

Everyone that was in the Room of Requirement-- did your things get recovered from the castle? I'm just wondering if they were there to be sent to us or if they were confiscated before [...] everything.

Everyone still at St. Mungo's-- I've been released and am mobile now. Does anyone need anything that I can get for them?



i'm here



Go to hell, Malfoy.



Party at [address], 8pm on Wednesday night.

I don't know everyone who's Slytherin or HEP well enough to pick and choose, so if there is anyone I warded against that you think would want to come that you'd want to come, they're invited, too.

0412 1600 51.344538 -0.445553

[I tried to make cool HTML for a galleon, but lol]



Are there any days over break that people can't meet up? Once we decide on a date and time, we can figure out how to get everyone there without drawing attention, too.

So we don't even have the greenhouse to meet at now. Can I walk you back to your Common Room after dinner?



I was already contemplating this after finding Michael and everything else that's happened since the interrogations began, but now with what's being done in the Slytherin common room by Malfoy and Parkinson, I think it needs to be said. I think we should put a halt to our activities for now. I'm not giving up and we will fight, but I think we need to find a better and more effective way to do it because every move we make right now makes it infinitely worse.

Easter holidays are a week away and I propose we meet then, away from the castle and the prying eyes of HEP/the Carrows, to discuss the future of the DA and what our next moves will be. [...] We can meet at my house, if that works for everyone, or somewhere else, if it doesn't.

For right now, though, it doesn't feel right to keep putting the people we're trying to protect in danger, not until we have a viable plan to keep them safe and still make life hell for the Death Eaters currently ruling this school.



I know we're all prepared for backlash, but I think we could use it productively. If anyone tries to hex students, I'm going to use protego as much as I can. It shows other students how to cast it, potentially protect other students from their anger, and also it doesn't out any of us as DA for using it because the whole school was exposed to the spell.




Well that certainly cut my appetite.

I'm sorry.



I think discussing what to do right now is really important, but I also don't think we can risk meeting in person. They're going to be watching all of us that they already suspect. I'd say everyone who got crap recommendations this week is either at least suspected, or suspected to be a sympathizer. I still think bread and soup is a better deal than our missing classmates are getting, but I also don't want to alienate the people we're trying to get through to.

So, I don't know, if it takes a confession, I can confess. They know I'm Dumbledore's Army, anyway.



I think we can all agree that this Career Fair (while a good idea, in theory) has been kind of crap. They're using it to continue their propaganda and to hurt students who aren't being as agreeable as they want them to be. On Thursday, they're bringing in law enforcement representatives and I can almost guarantee they'll have Yaxley here, too. Considering what we've seen of them so far this year, we know they wouldn't waste the opportunity to rub him in our faces even if they think we don't know what really happened.

A few of you were talking about continuing the graffiti trend and I really like that idea. I was wondering, though, if anyone would be up for using it to make a statement on Thursday when he's inevitably here?



I think I may have ruffled some feathers. Toenail clipper.

I saw the Carrows recommend you for something. How'd that go? Any interesting job prospects?



Well, I personally thought that was a great hit. Way to go, team. Way. To. Go.

I think we should come up with something else. Maybe more graffiti - maybe "Dumbledore's Army: Still Recruiting"?

On a scale of one to Gilderoy Lockhart, how stupid are reactions to this dumb play thing?



My Gran sent way too much candy, again, so if anyone wants any, let me know. She'll just find out if I eat it all myself and send a Howler, anyway, but [...] I probably have at least one of everything in here, but I want all of the cards in the chocolate frogs if I don't already have them! Unless someone really wants them, then I can probably part with them.

So, erm, did I have something on my face all day today? I got a lot of weird looks.

[added later] [...] Someone sent the wrong message to Padma. I sent her a gram and the message got all changed and I think maybe it was asking her out but that wasn't what I meant to do and I didn't realize sending grams to friends could get so awkward and I feel bad because I really like her but I haven't really thought about whether or not it was in that way and I'm rambling so I'm going to stop now. Help.



[ Gryffindors ]
So, okay

Is anybody else like really worried about Professor McGonagall? I mean after Professor Sprout and Professor Flitwick there's like, a theme? I'm really worried???



In other news, I just decided to quit Gobstones Club.



I'm sorry I've been quiet for a few days trying to process [...] everything. It just feels like they're operating on an entirely different playing pitch than we are and no matter how much we rebel against them, they hit back harder. Professor Flitwick was a good person and a good teacher and one of the few allies we had in this castle and they just [...] I mean, do any of us actually think he just died? I don't. And now Professor Sprout is gone and I just [...] I'm afraid to even check the Prophet in the mornings right now.

We have to do something, something more than just trying to convince people that these people are lying and are horrible people. I don't know what, yet. I can barely think right now and I don't even have the one class that got me through all the bad classes anymore.

It's going to be alright, though. I know it doesn't feel like it, and I know that I have no idea how to make it alright, but I know we'll figure it out. There are people fighting for the same things we are outside these castle walls, and I know we'll find a way to keep fighting inside these walls, too. Thank you all for being a part of this. I know it's not always easy, but I feel better knowing that we're all in this together.



That was a great way to start the weekend.




Earned more detentions. Thinking about keeping a tally going for how many I can get in a month. Taking bets for February.

I think we ought to have a meeting. There's a lot we need to talk about. I know we had said that it would cause a lot fear if we went right out and said it at the beginning of the year--But maybe it's time. Only those in denial don't believe Snape is a Death Eater. It's not that surprising that the Carrows would be. And we haven't even spoken up about Mulciber.

What do you think? If you do think we should get the conversation going then it'll be important for you to come with ideas on how to get that started.



In light of recent events, I wanted to urge anyone who feels afraid of hostile learning environments to direct their concerns and fears to our new headmaster. He has experience with this sort of thing.



For any students who want to help look for Marlow and who are not worried about missing their audition today, I was given permission to look around the edge of the Forbidden Forest by Professor Sprout. We can not split up, and we must stay with Hagrid who will be supervising us. I'll be waiting at the edge of the grounds where Hagrid lives this afternoon, if you want to join me. Be sure to dress warmly!

For any students who are auditioning, good luck! I don't know much about the source material, but it'll be nice to see something different.



Want to come with and see if we can make her tear her hair out?

edited later to add:
Who is planning on auditioning? Neville and I were thinking that some of you could split up into pairs or groups and use your legitimate interest in the play to try to get your hands on the script before the auditions start.



I spoke to Professor Sprout this morning and she confirmed that Marlow Till is still missing. Please keep a lookout for him. I am planning on arranging some searching efforts throughout the day, if you are interested in being part of them. It worries me that he has been gone for so long.

On a happier note, I would like to wish everyone good luck who auditions for the play today. I'll be there as well.

to be edited as people offer, those who wish to help search:
Neville Longbottom, Hannah Abbott, Adelaide Montgomery {near the Forbidden Forest)
Susan Bones, Ritchie Coote (First floor and second floor, all wings)
Hugh Harper, Parvati Patil (Third and fourth floor, all wings)
Megan Jones, Seamus Finnigan (Fifth and Sixth floor, all wings, and the Astronomy tower)
Ernie Macmillan, Celia Brown (Dungeons, boathouse)
Mallory Pips, Rhys Cadwallader (Greenhouses and Quidditch areas)



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