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Prideview Apartments Random Community

Prideview Apartments: Random Community


August 31st, 2008

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August 26th, 2008

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Back here again?

Wonder if it'll be more interesting this time. Certainly ain't betting on it.

August 25th, 2008

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What, again?

So, world number four... why you, today?

August 14th, 2008

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I actually went to the gym today to work out and good Lord I'm sore. Guess when one doesn't work out for a year or two and then do they get to discover all the new muscles they had forgotten about.

What I need is a hot, hot bath and some pain killers.

August 9th, 2008

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Olympics. Just four little years ago I was going to go. I qualified and everything and then everything went to shit. How the cookie crumbles though man. Makes me wonder if I could still qualify. My training regimen isn't as extensive and I eat far too much pizza. The boobs don't help either. I would have had a short run being a gymnast with a chest like this. I would have loved to have gone this go though. How hilarious would I have been being a Chinese American in China that can't speak Chinese?

August 3rd, 2008

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There's a sale going on at Valu-Mart for Oreo cookies. Get three packs for the price of one. Just thought I'd mention it in case anyone is interested. Mm, Oreos are good..

August 1st, 2008

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I am going to put this here to keep me sane because I have a nasty tendency to loose paper. If I could get a running roster of those of you that still need to finish your primary education that would be fantastic. I hate to inform some of you that our facility is as of yet not equipped to handle secondary/college level education. I would be more than happy to help you get enrolled in a place that does deal in that though be it college or trade school of some sort.

With all of that said Mr. Shacklebolt. I have heard many a lovely thing about you from a perky pink bartender and seem to have some potential students in need of an instructor that shares their specialized skills.

I almost forgot. For those of you not of this dimension our academy will be offering a class on getting to know the world you were dumped into. That includes history, geography, and tidbits you might need to know.

So if you need to finish your education please give me your name, where you are from, when you are from, special circumstances, and where your education stopped that would be lovely.

July 17th, 2008

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Oh wow! Where is this?

Man, one minute I'm at home, eating cheerios, and next I'm in an apartment!

It's a really cool apartment, though.

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I found a job at a little bar around the corner from here. Apparently the last bartender up and quit after having a nervous breakdown. He kept going on about murderous beernuts or some rubbish. I have to be all presentable though so I have to decide what natural hair color I want to have.

July 16th, 2008

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Stars and if my life of late couldn't get any weirder.
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