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Prideview Apartments: Random Community



September 21st, 2008

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School isn't that bad, although I'd prefer it if there were less explosions. I'd rather I didn't have to worry about getting blown up when going to class. Yes, I am reacting to this late, get over it.

Molly, did you ever talk to Nico about the puppy?

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This place is fucked up.

Jubes )

September 15th, 2008

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That's what I was missing all this time I was here. Detention!

Although getting detention, when I don't even go to school? That's gotta be a new personal best. Dick would be so proud of me.

Thanks for covering for me, dork. I owe you. How pissed off was the bossman anyway?

Jubilee )

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I'm going to start making a list of things not allowed at the academy. There was an explosion today. Thankfully no one was hurt...too much. If I find anyone though jumping out from around corners at some of our explosive students again I will send you to simmer in Hell for a bit. I can and will do it even if Lilith scowls at me for it.

September 14th, 2008

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It's hard to believe how much prices have risen since I was a kid. Very weird!

Dorothy )

August 25th, 2008

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I would totally hole myself up in my room if the crazy lady sending me couldn't walk through walls. What is the crazy Asian talking 'bout? School evil vile mind numbing school. I really hope the world's first rebel knows what he is getting himself into.

On a different train of thought I had forgotten how much fun an espresso high really is. Charlie took me out for coffee and it was great fun. I need to grab Dougie so we can go shopping like he promised. I know the poor boy sits in his room too much most likely.

August 22nd, 2008

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This place sure isn't boring that is for certian. It reminds me of home in that sense. Nothing is ever boring in Gotham.

School starts soon and I can't help but stare at how short the uniform skirt is. I think if I thought of bending over I would loose all my modesty.

August 10th, 2008

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My class roster reads like a who's who of children's literature and comic books. Either there were some very cruel parents running around or this place is as strange as I was lead to believe.

I have students that can blow things up. While that is ridiculously cool...they blow things up...I teach in the Twilight Zone.

August 2nd, 2008

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Hey, Dork. My boss finally gave me an answer. He said he'll give you a chance, but he's gonna wanna do all that interview bullshit first. It won't take long, assuming you're not an idiot. Actually, if you are, it'll be even shorter.

So, when can you show up?

July 24th, 2008

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I can finally see out of my eye. This is a good thing..even though it is still unsightly looking and purple. While this is totally not the New York I am used to it is panning out to be a lovely place. Anyone else hopping around that is from Xavier's besides Kitty?

John, I want pizza for dinner. You are totally coming with me.

July 21st, 2008

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I think I'm going to apply to go to college in the fall. Psychology seems really interesting.

And until then I'm never leaving my room again.

July 19th, 2008

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Right. I know New York when I look out the window but I also know this ain't the school dorm I went to sleep in. I know that mostly in part because the school isn't in New York City but sits all nice and cozy in Salem Center. There is no Ole One Eye strolling around glaring behind his specs and the Professor sure as hell ain't rolling around this place either. I am sure as anything going to get blamed for it all too. They always pick on me because I make the smallest amount of trouble on occasion. I don't even see any sign of Wolvsie either. This is drumming up to suck cause they sure aren't answering the phone at home the school.

With my luck this is some crack job alternate reality the team is always talking about when they think none of us are listening. So anyone care to tell me where the hell I actually am?

I'm Jubilee by the way. If you make fun of my name you will reep the consequences and they aren't pretty.

July 17th, 2008

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Well.. this is an interesting turn of events. It would seem that I am not so easy to defeat as some fools would think. It is good to be back, to be alive. Now I can plan. And then I will act.

But until then, I will have to sate my appetite. Perhaps I will find a restaurant that serves a cuisine to my liking. I believe that I'll try some... turtle soup. I hear it's really something to be savored. Hmm.

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I'm so loath to say this, but...

Would anybody be so kind as to help me get acquainted with this... city? I'm having too many problems with my wheelchair to do it all by myself.

Damn that farm girl. Damn her and her shoe-stealing ways.

July 10th, 2008

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All right... this is definitely not where I meant to land.

How the heck did this happen? And why does the newspaper say it's 2008?

July 9th, 2008

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So. If a quiz is quizzical in nature, what does that make a test?

July 8th, 2008

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How the hell am I here. This can't be good.

Where the hell is everyone, where am I?


Kyle? Jeb? Jared? Mel? Wanda?

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I know for a fact I fell asleep in the garden and this is not the garden nor does this even look like Scotland. And this is a strange glowing box.

July 7th, 2008

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So, what the fuck do you kids do around here for "fun", anyway?

Complain for sport? See who can bitch the loudest?

If I wanted that shit, I could've just stayed home and watched fucking Oprah.
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