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Prideview Apartments Random Community

Prideview Apartments: Random Community


August 10th, 2008

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My class roster reads like a who's who of children's literature and comic books. Either there were some very cruel parents running around or this place is as strange as I was lead to believe.

I have students that can blow things up. While that is ridiculously cool...they blow things up...I teach in the Twilight Zone.

August 1st, 2008

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So apparently my apartment thought I was lonely so decided to miraculously drop my estranged boyfriend from high school in the spare room.

Mr. Morningstar I'm going to need a raise.

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Huh. Well.

At least there's room.

July 31st, 2008

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The whole building has a web blog...cute. I need to start unpacking boxes I guess. I have always detested moving. I also need to get in contact with Mr. Morningstar about my position at the academy. I need a room placement among other things. There was mention of abnormal circumstances on some of my would be students and I really want to know just what that in tells.
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