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Mar. 7th, 2009


WHO: Everyone involved in the rescue and fight operations in Alastair's Hells.
WHERE: Various locations in LA.
WHEN: Tuesday, March 7, 2006; nearing one a.m.
WHAT: Saving people and fighting things.
RATING: PG-13 for content, most likely
STATUS: thread; in-progress
NOTES: Under the cut!

three Hells in LA is three too many )

Feb. 26th, 2009


WHO: Faith Lehane and Sam Winchester
WHAT: She needs a drink, he possibly needs more drinks
WHEN: After her graffiti
WHERE: Sam's hotel room
STATUS: In progress

Sometimes the PTB really sucked )

Feb. 23rd, 2009


Who: Nikki and Faith
What: Patrol
When: Sundown
Where: LA Streets
Status/Rating: incomplete/TBD

Jonesing for a fight? Yes. Going to beat the crap out of the blonde one? No. )

Feb. 18th, 2009


WHO: Faith Lehane and Sam Winchester
WHAT: Grabbing a coffee. And she's worried.
WHEN: after her text
WHERE: a coffee shop near to the Hyperion.
STATUS: In progress

The truth was she was worried about him )

Feb. 12th, 2009


Who: Kennedy O Sullivan, Dr Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley, Faith Lehane
What: A Slayer a Currently Powerless Slayer and a Doctor in a Hotel Room with alcohol. Uh huh.
Where: Hyperion. Kennedy's Room
When: Mid Evening 12th Feb
Rating: We'll see. High though
Status: In Progress.


WHO: Jacen Solo , Tenel Ka Djo and Faith Lehane
WHAT: Trying to help Faith find a place again
WHEN: Early Evening 12th Feb
WHERE: Tenel Ka's Room, Hyperion Hotel
STATUS: Log - Complete

Tenel Ka had prepared the place as much as she could )

Feb. 11th, 2009


WHO: Heather & Faith.
WHAT: The mandatory visit.
WHEN: Early afternoon.
WHERE: Hyperion.
STATUS: Incomplete.

She knew Faith was allowed to have visitors now, but if she was up for it at the moment was another question entirely. )


WHO: Gabriel Gray & Faith Lehane
WHAT: The three C's of recovering from any bad situation. Comfort, company, and chocolate.
WHERE: The Hyperion; Faith's room
WHEN: Feb. 11th; Afternoon
RATING: Not likely high
STATUS: In Progress

Complicated wasn't even the half of this, and he was trying really hard not to bumble over himself. )


WHO: Faith Lehane and Peter Petrelli
WHAT: If she's not a Slayer then what is she?
WHEN: the day after her rescue [slightly backdated]
WHERE: Faith's room at the Hyperion.
RATING: PG13 for mentions of past torture

Faith's gaze locked on her target )

Feb. 10th, 2009


Who: ABC!Claire Bennet, Xander Harris, Sam Winchester, Faith Lehane
What: Mending the broken Faith in as many ways as they can
When: Once Faith is sent back to the Hotel by Peter
Where: Hyperion Lobby moving to office asap
Rating:TBD language,
Status: In progress

Feb. 8th, 2009


WHO: Lilah Morgan, Princess Azula, the Dracu-vamps and Faith Lehane
WHAT: Serving mutual goals.
WHEN: late at night on the 8th Feb
WHERE: Wolfram and Hart, a road not far from the Hyperion, then an undisclosed location.

It was safe to say that Lilah was not sitting idle )

Feb. 5th, 2009


Who; Cameron, Faith
Where; Hyperion
When; Shortly after her post
Why; Terminator meets Slayer
Status / Rating; Thread, incomplete / PG-ish?

thread of badass brunettes )


WHO: Sam and Faith.
WHAT: Coffee break.
WHEN: Afternoon.
WHERE: Hyperion, then some cafe place.

I'd be your #1 fan. )

Feb. 4th, 2009


Who: Lindsey and Faith
What: She asked, he offered.
When: Backdated before the disappearences
Where: Random bar
Rating: PG-13 (Possible swearing?)

Drinkin' just to drink. )


WHO: Faith Lehane and OPEN
WHAT: What do you do if you're an emotional minefield Slayer? You hit things a lot of course!
WHEN: after dark
WHERE: downtown LA
RATING: TBD, but rated for violence
STATUS: In progress

there was a delicious satisfaction in that crunch as fist meets face. )

Feb. 1st, 2009


WHO: Toru, vampire army squad, everyone involved in Plan: Not Crazy Honest
WHAT: It's recon time.
WHEN: Sunset
WHERE: An abandoned club
RATING: warnings for violence and bitchy vampires
STATUS: In progress
[ooc: again, go nuts with the sub threads and feel free to play with the squad as much as you want!]

The theory was simple at least )

Jan. 31st, 2009


WHO: Faith and Scout
WHAT: Drinking is required
WHEN: After her text to him (but before her graffiti about the vampires)
WHERE: Starting at the Hyperion before moving on to a bar
RATING: TBD, but as they're both pretty foul mouthed let's start at PG13!
STATUS: In progress

It may not have been the responsible thing )

Jan. 30th, 2009


WHO: Faith Lehane and Claire Bennet (future)
WHAT: The Slayer needs food. And they possibly need to talk
WHWN: During crazy Sam watch
WHERE: Just outside Sam's room at Random Hotel
STATUS: In progress.

From her position on the floor, Faith twisted her neck trying to stretch out the kinks )

Jan. 27th, 2009


WHO: Sam and whoever it is that's getting involved with the pits.
WHAT: He's done being the boy with the demon blood. Time to fix that.
WHEN: Early evening.
WHERE: The Lazarus Pits.

She wants you to be her little anti-christ superstar. )

Jan. 28th, 2009


WHO: Faith Lehane and Batgirl
WHAT: Faith needs to hit something
WHEN: After sunset
WHERE: A cemetery
RATING: PG13 for violence
STATUS: In progress

Faith's glower sent more than a couple of vampires scurrying out of her way )

Jan. 27th, 2009


WHO: Faith and the Mayor
WHAT: She needs ice cream and father figure talk.
WHEN: After her post to him
WHERE: An ice cream place
RATING: It's the Mayor and we all know how he feels about bad language, so lets say lowish!
STATUS: In progress

It was possibly a dumb idea )

Jan. 25th, 2009


WHO: Faith Lehane
WHAT: She's tired, she's pissed and she's about to snap
WHEN: late at night after the long day from hell
WHERE: demon bars
RATING: R for violence and mentions of drug use
STATUS: Complete as a log unless someone wants to tag in.

'Oh I'm sorry, am I being elitist?' )


WHO: Faith Lehane, Sarah Petrelli, Jacen Solo (Tenel Ka Djo appearing!)
WHAT: Tenel Ka is being weird. First stop is the ex Sith lover.
WHEN: after the crazy
WHERE: Jacen's room at the Hyperion
STATUS: In progress

Faith was pissed off and rapidly struggling to remember why she didn't just punch Jacen Solo in the face )

Jan. 23rd, 2009


WHO: Sam and Faith.
WHAT: Pizza. And stuff.
WHEN: Backdated.
WHERE: The Hyperion.

Pizza, pizza, pizza. )

Jan. 19th, 2009


Who: Kennedy - OPEN to Residents of the Hyperion - Faith, Buffy, Peter
What: Kennedy comes to find out just what the hell is going on
Where: The Hyperion Hotel
When: Late Morning of the 19th
Rating: TBD
Status: In Progress

Jan. 16th, 2009


Who: Glory/Ben, Buffy, Dawn, Rest of the Scoobies, people helping the fight, brain sucked victims.
What: Ridding LA of a Hell God.
Where: A disused lot downtown with a very familiar structure to some rising up at the side of it
When: 16th Jan -  Evening
Rating; TBD, Violence, character Death (but a bad guy so all is good
Status: In Progress

GLORY: You're just a mortal, you couldn't understand my pain. BUFFY Then I'll just have to settle for causing it )

Jan. 15th, 2009


WHO: Sam Winchester; kind of a narrative, but if anyone wants to tag in to take his drunk ass home that'd be awesome.
WHAT: He just found out that Heather is pregnant. Someone needs air.
WHEN: Evening; right after the Sam/Heather thread.
WHERE: At some grungy bar.

Would their child even be halfway normal, even if they got away from all of this? )

Jan. 14th, 2009


WHO: Faith Lehane and Kyle Hyde
WHAT: Reward time!
WHEN: Right after this
WHERE: Kyle's room
RATING: probably high!
STATUS: In progress

While most people would have collapsed by now, Faith was still bouncing )

Jan. 12th, 2009


Who: Lilith, Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, John Winchester, Ruby, Castiel, Uriel, Tenel Ka, Eve, Kara Zor-El, Faith Lehane, Buffy Summers, ABC and SBC Claires, Bobby Singer, anyone who has been taken, and a whole bunch of NPC demons, Lilin, Children and Men
What: The Bitch bites the dust
When: January 12th, evening
Where: Lilith's warehouse
Rating: R, violence, death, dead bodies, etc.
Status: Incomplete
Note: Make sure you label your sub sections so people know where to tag! If you want to start a whole other post, go for it. If I was really talented, I would reply to all the posts that wanted Lilin interaction. Sadly, I'm not that good, so feel free to move any Lilin/demons/hounds/whatever to your own liking.

My lightning's flashing across the sky, You're only young but you're gonna die  )


Who: Tenel Ka Djo and Faith Lehane
What: Focused Hapan Queen is Focused
Where: Hyperion then a nearby park
When: Mid Morning of 12th Jan
Rating: Low
Status: Log: Complete

Jan. 11th, 2009


Who: Eve and Faith Lehane
What: Getting information the 'fun' way
When: Shortly after Eve found out about Ben
Where: Here, there, random shady areas with demons
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

There was nothing more disgusting than someone who messed with a child )

Jan. 6th, 2009


WHO: Heather, Jo, Faith, Claire, Mary & Alessa.
WHAT: Dress shopping!
WHEN: Early afternoon. [before the exorcism, of course.]
WHERE: Around L.A.
STATUS: Incomplete.
NOTE: Just tag whenever and however you want! No strict posting order. I just wanted to get something up for this. ♥

The saleswoman that had been helping her out the whole time was now trying to pawn off one of the dresses onto both Jo and Faith, who were probably going to respond more negatively than anyone else would have. )


WHO: Ruby, Sam Winchester, John Winchester, Dean Winchester,  Anya, Faith Lehane, Heather Mason
WHAT: Ruby's convinced Sam he needs to learn to pull demons, but out of his Dad!
WHERE: An old abandoned warehouse, Ruby likes those
WHEN: Late evening
RATING Likely high for demonic bitching
STATUS In Progress
Note: Im not gonna put a strict posting order on this cause theres a lot of people and some will be just watching for a lot of it so just go with what works, Also MJ do we wanna do subthreads for first attempt, and later attempt, and assume there have been others in between. Go for it if you do

Jan. 5th, 2009


Who: Eliot and Faith
What: Wandering alternate LA
Where: Streets
When: Late afternoon
Rating: TBD

Still wasn't as terrifying as Sophie's day job acting. )

Dec. 31st, 2008


WHO: Faith Lehane and OPEN to the Hyperion (though Superblood would be appreciated!)
WHAT: the Slayer limps home
WHEN: Following this
WHERE: the Hyperion
STATUS: In progress

Faith was pissed. )


WHO: Faith Lehane and Belladonna Boudreaux
WHAT: Vampire Slayer, meet the head of the Assassin's Guild.
WHEN: Backdated a teeny bit to late Tuesday night.
WHERE: Patrolling LA
RATING: TBD, but lets start with PG 13 for violence
STATUS: In progress

With one Slayer AWOL and the Champion a child, that left Faith to do patrols. )

Dec. 28th, 2008


WHO: Faith Lehane and OPEN to those adults seeking refuge. (and 'kids' who sneak in!)
WHAT: hiding! with alcohol.
WHEN: After Faith's graffiti
WHERE: Faith's room at the Hyperion.
STATUS: In progress

What had started out as amusing had quickly become a headache )

Dec. 27th, 2008


WHO: Faith and Heather
WHAT: Wedding invites and Disney movies!
WHEN: After Heather's graffiti
WHERE: the Winchester house
STATUS: In progress

A few years ago Faith would have run a mile at the vaguest suggestion of a wedding )


Who: Sabretooth and Open
Where: Near the Hyperion
When: Couple days after Christmas
Why: Creed's a giver too...he is just a little late with the present.
Status: In progress
Rating: Probably mature for violence and language.

It was the gift that would keep on giving. )

Dec. 22nd, 2008


WHO: Adam Monroe and Peter Petrelli (with Faith Lehane)
WHAT: Meeting the potential world destroyer.
WHEN: Afternoon
WHERE: Starbucks.
STATUS: In progress

It was all so very American )

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January 2010




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