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Dec. 6th, 2009


Who: Damien and his followers (NPCs)
When: Night
Where: Thorn Manor
What: Giving orders
Rating: PG
Status: Complete


It was time for seriousness now... )

Dec. 5th, 2009


Who: Cable and Domino
When: Right after their conversation
What: Reunited and it feeeeeels so good
Where: Cable's apartment
Warnings: Domino likes to curse, and also sleep with Cable
Status: single

we dared to breathe )
Tags: ,


WHO: Ed and Hyperion Hotel (tagging AI crew)
WHAT: Heading to the Hyperion Hotel
WHEN: Saturday Morning
WHERE: Hyperion Hotel
RATING: PG-13 tops

Next Mission: Hyperion Hotel )


Who: Virgil and Bart
What: Virgil wants attention.
When: November 5th, afternoon.
Where: The Bradbury Building
Warnings: TBA!

it wasn't something that would fix on it's own.. )

Dec. 4th, 2009


Who: Faith Lehane and Nathan Petrelli
What: Doing serious leadery type stuffs.
When: Sunday, December 3rd 2006- early evening
Where: Nathan's office
Rating: TBD
Status: In progress

Back in the swing of things )

Dec. 3rd, 2009


Who: Damien Thorn and OTA
When: Evening
Where: Walmart
What: Making a purchase and fending off a psycho shopper
Rating: R
Status: Incomplete


One good thing about buying a new game system, at least it'd help take his mind off things from time to time. )

Dec. 2nd, 2009


Who: Jack and Open
What: patrolling.
When: Night time, December 2nd
Where: The city
Warnings: NPC violence

Be-careful what you wish for.. )


Who: Lindsey and Cathy McDonald
What: Mid-fight, Lindsey gets his memory back.
When: Evening, November 29th
Where: Their apartment
Rating: PG-13 (Language)
Status: Log; complete

I'm done. )


WHO: Ed and Open
WHAT: Heading to the Welcome Center
WHEN: Backdated to Monday Afternoon
WHERE: Welcome Center
RATING: PG-13 tops

Next Stop: Welcome Center! )


Who: Guinevere and Ruby
What: Being rescued in a way
When: Just after she arrives
Where: An internet cafe in town
Rating: TBA, but wont be high



Who: The Twins! (Zan and Jayna)
What: Artwork with a cause?
When: Shortly before midnight
Where: Downtown somewhere
Rating: TBA, but nothing high

If the twins hadn’t come along, that poor, devoid wall would have never had a purpose  )
Tags: ,

Dec. 1st, 2009


WHO: Ed and Open
WHAT: Arrival
WHEN: Morning
WHERE: Somewhere in LA

I don't think we're on Ganymede anymore Ein )


WHO: Cable and Open
WHAT: Arrival and annoyance
WHEN: Morning
WHERE: Somewhere in the city

here we go again... )


Who: Domino
What: wandering around L.A.
When: early afternoon
Where: L.A.
Rating: PG-13
Status: incomplete

We're on our way out of L.A. )


WHO Buffy & Spike.
WHAT: He has his brain back.
WHEN: Evening, of course!
WHERE: The Hyperion.

He hoped that she was decent. But not really. )

Nov. 30th, 2009


Who: Sam and Jack
When: the 30ith. Evening.
Where: some little dive bomb place in a not so good side of town.
Warnings: um..IDK it's a drunk thread! Drunken times! Probably not low!
Beer I.V.'s )


Who:Dean Winchester
What:Dean is BACK
When:8am, Nov 30
Where:St. Mark's Catholic Church

Where the hell did that come from? )


Who: Castiel and Ruby
What: Reunion and missed aniverseries
Where: A street in the LA residential area where Ruby and John were
When: Night of the 30th November - Immediatly post This
Rating TBD
Status: In Progress

Tags: ,


WHO: Claire Bennet, Ben Braeden.
WHERE: A.I. lock-up building
WHEN: Tuesday, November 29, 2006; late evening. [slightly backdated]
WHAT: The end of the spell comes to even those behind bars.
STATUS: narrative "log"; complete, unless someone wants to tag it.

It could just be another trick of Wolfram & Hart's. )


Who: Faith Lehane and open to anyone she knows
What: Her memories return
When: backdated slightly to the night of 29th
Where: The house she had been living in
Rating: PG for now, maybe higher if tagged
Status: Complete as narrative, open to tags

This was her home )


WHO: John Winchester, Ruby.
WHERE: their house.
WHEN: Wednesday, November 29, 2006; very late evening.
WHAT: It's all about to come back to them.

He didn't care what anyone said to the contrary, she was his daughter. He knew his own heart, goddammit. )

Nov. 29th, 2009


Who: Clary Morgenstern
What: Remembering
When: Late evening
Where: Her room, LAWC
Rating: G
Status: Complete

It really had all been a lie )


Who: Buffy and Kendra
What: Tracking down another Slayer
When: BACKDATED; Yesterday evening
Where: LA Streets
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

whatever happens, I'm going to kill you. )

Nov. 30th, 2009


Who: Claire Bennet, Eve Levine, Sylar
What: Claire remembers
Where: Top of a LA 20+ Story Building
When: Early 30th
Rating: High for themes
Status: Complete as narritive, open to someone she knows

Nov. 29th, 2009


Who: Kennedy and Tara
What: Kennedy wants to know who the hell she is
Where: Hyperion Gardens
When: Evening 28th Nov
Rating: TBD
Status: In Progress


Who: Clark, Virgil, and Bart
Where: Downtown
When: Night of Nov. 28th
What: Confrontation
Rating: R
Status: Incomplete


Another day in the life of a field agent )


Who: Lyle Bennet and Jack Landors
Where: Street corner
When: Night
What: Drinking
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete


Underage drinking? There ought to be a law... oh wait, there is! )

Nov. 28th, 2009


WHO: Claire Sandy Bennet, Ben Braeden, Eve Levine, TBD.
WHERE: what's usually Winchester & co house; the street outside; A.I.'s lockup building next to the Hyperion.
WHEN: Tuesday, November 28 2006; evening.
WHAT: Trying to kidnap Ben Braeden is generally regarded as a really stupid plan.
STATUS: narrative "log" & thread; in-progress.

There were no bombs, the 'trigger' in her hand was just a taser with extended reach, and if he believed she wasn't going to hurt him, he was a moron.  )

Nov. 27th, 2009


Who: Damien Thorn Salvatore and Virgil Hawkins
When: Late afternoon
Where: Hospital
What: Just a bit of mischief at work
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete


Working in the hospital or clinic is really nothing like those medical TV shows.. )


Who: Merlin and Cathy
When: Morning, November 27
Where: Welcome Center
What: Looking for a place
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete


He missed the Great Dragon right about now. )


Who: Eve and Claire Bennet
What: Another attempt to reach Claire
When: Shortly after their conversation
Where: Random warehouse that belongs to W&H, lets just say Eve suggested it
Rating: Likely high. Violence toward Angels, not that she feels it.
Status: Complete

Now. How do we play this? )


Who: Jacen Solo, Cathy McDonald and Clary Morgenstern (not a strict posting order!)
What: Rescuing Clary.
When: November 27th, afternoon
Where: Near the place Cathy ran into Clary before
Rating: TBD, but probably mentions of violence towards a teen, so be warned!
Status: In progress

Jacen was as calm as he could be )


Who: Eve & NPC Wolfram and Hart Employees
What: Eve's pissed, lawyers should run for their lives
When: The day after she breaks through the spell
Where: Wolfram & Hart
Rating: R, Violence, Death
Status: Complete
Note: This is with Mod permission! If you have any characters that work in the bulidng feel free to say they escaped or they weren't there when it happened. Eve is making a point of avoiding hurting anyone whos actually team good guy. The attack is contained to one section of one floor, but it's going to be brutal.

God has numbered the days of your kingdom and brought it to an end; you have been weighed on the scales and found wanting )

Nov. 26th, 2009


Who: Clary and Cathy
What: Cathy finds Clary, Clary has no idea who she is
When: Afternoon, when school gets out
Where: Streets of LA
Rating: G
Status: Complete

Her face had slowly turned into a blue and purple mess )


Who: Clarissa Morgenstern
What: Everyday living
When: Early morning
Where: Morgenstern Estate
Rating: PG-13, some violence
Status: Incomplete

It would appear that she had another accident while taking tennis lessons )


Who: Jack, Kennedy, and Sky. (Sky just jump in when you see fit!)
What: jealousy and total confusion.
When: November 26th, evening
Where: in the city, during the evening.
Warnings: Jealous Sky, clueless amnesia!married Jack. You decide.

Finally he had an evening off )

Nov. 25th, 2009


WHO: Spencer Reid, and OTA.
WHAT: Reid arrives in Los Angeles on business.
WHEN: November 26th, mid-afternoon.
WHERE: The Welcome Centre.
STATUS: In progress.

If this was... kind of a vacation. Kind of. Maybe. Well, not really. )


WHO: John Winchester, Ruby 'Winchester', Dean Winchester Father Dean Wesson ; to follow, Castiel, Mary Winchester & Ben Braeden.
WHERE: John & Ruby's house.
WHEN: Sunday, November 26, 2006; night.
WHAT: Epic exorcism drama.
RATING: PG-13 at least.
STATUS: thread; in-progress
STATUS: As it's Thanksgiving here in the states in a few hours, I'm forward-dating this to get it started now so it doesn't get pushed behind with the holiday!

From the outside, it might look like nothing more than a family meeting with the family priest in the comfort of their home.  )


Who: Scorpius and OTA
Where: Suburb neighborhood
When: Night
What: Conflict
Rating: R

He was influencing a court case for Evil )


Who: Castiel, Ben and Eve
What: Getting Eve's angel sword
When: November 25th
Where: Eve's apartment
Rating: TBD
Status: In progress

He had no idea if this was going to work )

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