Opus Two RPG [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Opus Two RPG

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[May. 11th, 2009|09:10 pm]
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[Mood | bored]

*Is having a rather slow day on the Flower front deak.*

*Thinks that on the minus side, the job can get a little dull what with the phone answering, mechanical smiling and light filing...plus she still hasn't met the boss.*

*But on the plus side her skills in solitaire, tetris and tea-making have come on leaps and bounds.*
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[May. 8th, 2009|10:34 pm]

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[Mood | chipper]

*rolled into work in a good mood, all told, and so far is having a somewhat hectic but otherwise okay birthday* *stopped really paying attention after the big 3-0, to be honest (which is funny considering that he used to measure his life in centuries and millenia), but the Fountain staff gets more inventive every year with the jokes—this time he's received a personalized formaldehyde inhaler ("just making sure you're well-preserved inside and out, sir")*

*takes a spare moment later in the day to hang up his gift from Elemmakil, next to an enlarged copy of the picture he took from the hot-air balloon* *loves Tanya's photo, of course, with its white-silver-blue cast and the Fountain banner visible just behind the spray* *how well she knows him*

*has just finished straightening the picture frame when his office phone warbles with an incoming outside call* *dusts off his hands and steps over to check the ID (Swallow), snagging the receiver with a fairly good idea who's on the other end* *answers* House of the Fountain, this is Erestor.
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[Apr. 21st, 2009|08:27 pm]

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[Mood | pensive]

*has spent the past day and a half glued to his desk, handling a good deal of the overflow* (*a gap in the ranks might not mean as much elsewhere, but the Fountain is a well-oiled machine and every piece carries more than its own weight*)

*spends his spare moments (what few there are) gazing out the window, lost in thought* *hasn't seen Nico at all since her party, and really, it might be better that way*

*finally decides he's left it long enough* *works straight through lunch in order to get a little ahead, and calls up to Ecthelion's office later in the day*
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[Apr. 6th, 2009|09:20 pm]

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[Mood | optimistic]

*decides to tune into the Virtuoso Awards after all, if only to try and catch a glimpse of Glorfindel* *winged another quick text his way (good luck; gondolin's rooting for you. xoxo -e) earlier in the day but hasn't heard back yet (hasn't spoken to Glorfindel at all since he left town, actually, which is a bit of a bummer, but then he's sure Glorfindel's really busy)*

*as day gives way to evening, puts the sax away a little earlier than he'd planned and sends Elemmakil a text this time (drinks and v awards w/e? we can be the fan club but i'm not wearing a flower in my hair. -e)*

*dials up Erestor next*
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[Mar. 4th, 2009|09:27 pm]
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*heads down to the break room at the end of her shift to wash out her coffee mug and retrieve the rest of her food from the fridge*

*pauses in the doorway, though, and blinks at a very strange sight: the Fountain 2IC on his hands and knees, hunkered down low and peering under the microwave cart and... cooing?* *what in the world?*

*steps onto the tiles, her heels clicking rather loudly in the enclosed space* Erestor, what are you doing down there?
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[Jan. 19th, 2009|11:03 pm]
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[Mood | busy]

*arrives into the House of the Fountain at 6:15AM sharp and makes her way up to the little office she's been assigned* *passes by her new boss' office door and unconsciously reaches up to check her hair, make sure the French-plaited length of it is neatly coiled at the nape of her neck (first impressions are key, after all)*

*lets herself in and is soon busily organizing her desk and cabinets, carefully labeling manila files and hanging folders (numerical order, alphabetical order, order of importance), knowing full well that the system will likely change as she acclimates to the job and becomes more familiar with the document traffic (but that's what a skeleton system is for: to be fleshed-out)*

*without realizing she's doing it, starts humming to herself as she works, just a simple contralto line from one of her favorite opera-movie productions* *no, hasn't seen it on the stage, but has seen the movie fifteen times and memorized the soundtrack and heard the stage-version on CD and likes it just as well, for different reasons*
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[Jan. 2nd, 2009|09:34 am]

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[Mood | mischievous]

*with another Erumas out of the way, has put all of his focus toward the next big holiday on the docket*

*arrives into the Fountain proper at 3:30am on New Year's Eve, dressed in solid, somber black from head to toe, and meets an equally funereal Nico (wow, the veil is a nice touch) in the conference room* *goes over the plans and supplies with her for the umpteenth time (All three shifts know the dress code today, check. Pete's changing the hold message when he comes in, check. Grounds crew is running the banners down to half-mast, check. Cake being delivered at 9am, check.)*

*satisfied that everything external is in order for the moment, gets to work on the House itself* *hauls out a ladder and strings the black and white streamers in the lobby and around the conference room, while his 3IC sets up all of the little tombstones and ties off the balloons* *as a finishing touch, posts a notice on the front doors requesting that visitors observe a moment of silence to commemorate the Lord of the Fountain's passing (out of the realm of youth, that is)*

*when all is ready, stands back with Nico and takes a last look around* *trades a (mock-)solemn nod with her* Uh-huh. Ecthelion's going to skin us both.
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[Dec. 1st, 2008|12:33 pm]

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*hasn't really seen his boss since he got back to town, beyond a "welcome back" wave and a "thank you, sir" in passing*

*did send the brownies up Monday morning, though, as promised* (*really hopes Carol didn't actually put that be-nice-to-my-boy-or-it'll-be-a-frying-pan-for-you-boss-or-no-boss note in the container like she threatened to*)

*at the end of another long day of fighting the urge to unplug the phone completely, checks his watch and decides he has time to run up to Ecthelion's office before his next appointment with Nichols (oh joy)* *collects a small box and envelope from his desk drawer and heads that way*
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[Nov. 6th, 2008|12:57 pm]

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*leaves Nichols' office (three appointments down, who-knows-how-many to go) and heads back to the Fountain* *still isn't sure whether he's really accomplishing anything by seeing the shrink, but at least RJ seems like a decent guy, and he hasn't once asked about Thuringwethil or any of that mess* (*actually, all they've done so far is gab about the Fountain, the other Houses, and life as a Second in general* *oh, and there was mention last time of A Friend who's skipped town with no notice, but that conversation thankfully stalled out after a flippant comment or two*)

*reaches the House and stops off to grab a couple of files from his desk and quadruple-check the calendar, then makes his way to Ecthelion's office*
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[Oct. 26th, 2008|02:36 pm]

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[Mood | working]

*immediately following his check-in at the Swallow, stops back at the Fountain for a brief pow-wow with his Third before heading home* *sends Ecthelion a quick text from the road (Lunch meeting tomorrow, y/n?), and is fairly relieved to see the Y pop up in reply* *has heard about the personally satisfying but worrisome nonetheless Incident, of course*

*spends the evening planted on his couch, compiling a summary of the reports from the Flower, Harp, and Swallow* *okay, and watching his Discovery channel special. is a multi-tasker!*

*the next day, decides to go the whole hog and pick Ecthelion up for the meeting* *throws on jeans, T-shirt and pullover yes, this is weird for him and traipses over to the House proper, reports and box in hand* *knocks on Ecthelion's door*
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[Oct. 15th, 2008|09:15 am]

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[Mood | scared]

*opens his eyes sometime around noon the following day*

*is instantly struck by the almost overpowering perfumed scent in the air and, when he looks around, has the crazy first impression that he wandered into the Botanical Gardens and fell asleep there* *sneezes*

*feels his heart skip a beat or two when the memories of the previous day's events hit him in a flood* *hastily pushes them out of his head before the panic can overwhelm him, focusing his thoughts on the tasks at hand*

*tries to shake off his grogginess as he sits up and, shoving the covers off using the arm (and the useless bandaged lump on the end of it) not immobilized by a sling, swings his legs out of bed and sets his feet on the cold floor*
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[Oct. 11th, 2008|06:26 pm]

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[Mood | cold]

*is a sodden and soot-streaked mess, and has probably violated at least seventeen different traffic laws, by the time he passes through the Fountain's front gates* (*will definitely be coming up with apologies and bribes for Duilien (ouch, the car seat) and Egalmoth (speed limits are just suggestions, right?) later*)

*did call Ecthelion to update him once the Harp was pretty well under control, and got only a shrill tone and an "out of service" message* *was fairly confused by that (Ecthelion wouldn't turn his phone off, especially now), but figured there would be some kind of explanation when he got in (and he was on his way there anyway)*

*walks (okay, maybe limps a little) into the front foyer, just a tad bit unnerved by the stark emptiness of the place* *calls out, softly and with no small amount of strain (ribs and throat and smoke in the lungs)* Hello? Anybody home? *listens to the muffled sound of footsteps rattling around in the silence* Sir?

*is a little relieved when a staffer scurries out to meet him* Elise, hey, have you seen Ecthelion? ... *frowns* He's still working on the valve? What, did somebody weld it open? *coughs a bit and waves off her concern* No, I'm fine. Mudfight in the street. Anarchy and chaos. You know. The usual. *manages a quick smile* Anyway, file the update for later, I'm going to lend our Lord a hand with that valve.

*with that, turns down a nearby corridor and quickly heads for the door leading down to the basement*
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[Oct. 11th, 2008|12:06 pm]

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[Mood | stressed]

*is still on the phone when he reaches the Flower* Duilien's getting hers under control. Talk to her before any of yours head out that way.

*gets out of his borrowed car and, when he doesn't immediately hear the wail of sirens, realizes the trucks are all at the Harp* *wades through the crowds near the house, looking for Glorfindel*

*stays just long enough to help move some dazed and coughing staffers to relative safety, direct overall personnel traffic via a few more calls, and catch a glimpse of Glorfindel (whole and spouting orders) before he hears the fire trucks in the distance*

*dashes back to the car, a little sooty and ignoring the incessant ringing of his phone in favor of concentrating on the road, assuming it's just Salgant (all right, already, I'm on my way)* *drives toward the Harp as fast as he can take the corners*
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[Oct. 10th, 2008|05:06 pm]
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[Mood | pensive]

*has spent much of her time closeted in her office since the senior staff meeting, going over things with a fine-toothed comb in light of Ecthelion's revelations* *as far as theories go, can't come up with anything better than what's already on the table (I believe this threat to be personal), but is hoping another look-through might inspire a good argument against Ecthelion's proposed solution (I will take the trouble with me)* (*an argument he might actually listen to, that is, since he's likely already heard variations on "don't be stupid" and "this is suicide"*)

*several hours later, is frustrated and no closer to a brilliant epiphany than she was before* *glances up at the clock (late afternoon already?), knowing that her fellow Lord is due to leave early the next morning*

*makes a quick decision and dials Ecthelion's cellular*
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[Sep. 15th, 2008|11:09 pm]

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[Mood | working. sort of.]

*very early in the morning (so early, in fact, that the graveyard shift is still nursing the second cup of coffee), limps with great purpose into the House of the Fountain's main foyer*

*stops off at the front desk and chats a bit with one very surprised receptionist (no messages? that figures. you take an unscheduled vacation, and nobody wants to talk to you anymore!)* *...* *thinks it might be a little soon to be cracking jokes, judging by the looks he's getting*

*slips into his office and shuts the door, hoping he can hide for a while and get part of his written report done before someone comes along to kick him out* *has already spent the past two days laying around at home, half-drugged and stir-crazy and jumping out of his skin with nightmares every time he accidentally nods off*

*boots up the computer, gingerly stretches his sore(r) leg out and sets his keyboard in his lap*

*taps out three paragraphs before his gaze is drawn to the gradually lightening sky outside* *gets to thinking* *progresses to not-thinking* *gradually zones out*
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[Aug. 31st, 2008|09:10 pm]

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[Mood | lonely]

*is getting better at staying awake and (more or less) cognizant, except for the odd spell here and there of drug-induced Lalala-time*

*having absolutely nothing better to do besides think too much, munches ice cubes and flips through TV channels*

*flip. flip. flip.* *Wildlife Discovery: Sharks--way too many teeth* *golf--just. no.* *As Órë Turns--maybe as a last resort? except dammit that theme song*

*finally gives up and leaves it on a news channel, muting the sound after some minutes of listening to the anchors speculate on what really happened at the OCC plant*

*finds himself absently wondering whether Darryl (with the hands) will be in today* *mmm, those hands* *and that thick, blonde, just-shy-of-shaggy hair* *which is actually so much like ...*

*...annnd it's back to thinking too much* *SIGH*
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[Aug. 27th, 2008|11:50 am]

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[Mood | morose]

*sits (stands) (paces) in the primary waiting room of Gondolin Memorial while Erestor is rushed into emergency surgery (and that means he's still alive?)*

*sits (stands) (paces) outside the building as he goes through the motions of making and taking phone calls (Fountain and Hammer and Flower)*

*sits (stands) (paces) in the waiting room again and thinks about the monster (behind bars) and then about Glorfindel (being treated and "I'll go first")*

*eventually runs out of phone calls and orders and questions for which there immediate answers, and so sits, waiting for word that Erestor has died (and that means he was still alive) or hasn't died (breathes), thinking about the sheer senselessness of Erestor's plight when everything there is to break about Gondolin can be found nowhere in the Fountain but his own head*
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[Aug. 26th, 2008|10:44 pm]

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*as he runs through the streets of Gondolin (from glow of streetlight to streetlight), phones Aerandir and tells him, first of all, to send a car and driver directly to the House of the Fountain, and then to go to the storage room and get two semi-automatic pistols, two Berettas, multiple rounds for all four guns, as well as four combat knives*

*is still on the phone to Aerandir as he bursts into the foyer of the House of the Fountain* *to the guy at the desk, while holding his hand over the phone* Get Ecthelion down here now. *puts his hand on the desk* And when you're done, contact the House of the Hammer and tell them we need a perimeter guard set up around Ondolindë Concrete Corp ("'s a blue O with--a C? Two Cs inside.") as back-up for myself and Ecthelion. *clicks his fingers as he recalls Erestor's repeated warnings about the House of the Fountain* And double your own guard.

*turns back to his conversation with Aerandir while he waits for Ecthelion* Right, right, throw in two stilettoes too. 'K, I'm going to need you to wait for me at the front gates. I'll be passing in the car in the next few minutes.
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[Aug. 21st, 2008|02:30 pm]

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*gets into town on schedule, with none of the histrionics and headaches of the journey out* *still doesn't think he'll ever be able to eat mayonnaise again, though*

*once at the House of the Fountain, quickly heads to his office to catch up on any pressing business he missed while he was gone*

*dials Ecthelion's office extension, but receives no answer* *learns from the front desk that their Lord has gone to meet with the King* *ah, well, will just say hi and check his sobriety when he gets back in*

*oh!* *almost forgot* *rummages in his carry-on and retrieves a carefully wrapped picture frame* *undoes the newspaper padding and sets it on his desk, shifting it about until he can see the photo clearly*

*that done, begins shuffling through the notes and memos in his In box, smiling a bit every time his eye catches the picture of himself and little Arwen at the tea party (complete with matching grins and matching dots of cupcake-frosting on their noses)*

*on a whim, flips open his phone and hits the speed dial*
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[Aug. 6th, 2008|09:40 am]

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[Mood | furious]

*finds he cannot concentrate on any of his work since Salgant dropped the bomb*

*isn't especially pleased with the notion of already having to break his strict "avoid Glorfindel until the end of time" policy, but there's only so much a man can take, really*

*goes over to the Flower and asks—nay, demands—to speak with the Lord of the House*
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