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Opus Two RPG

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[Jan. 30th, 2011|12:09 pm]

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[Mood | working]

*after a hurried conference with the king and queen, and even more hurried efforts to muster a task force made up of a number of Gondolin's best soldiers, travels to dark Menegroth to personally verify some of this crazy shit aid the marchwardens in their fight*

*coordinates with Beleg over the phone on the train and, once in the city, outlines a basic plan of attack with the other lords of Gondolin and their women and men, strictly emphasizing periodic check-ins and cooperation with the local authorities*

We're here at Lady Melian's request, people. I expect everyone to behave like any good guest despite Doriath's history of insane foreign policy, understood? *looking at each person in turn, his eyes lingering on Glorfindel for just a moment (it's dark/are you going to be okay?)* Any questions?
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[Jan. 18th, 2011|08:25 pm]

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[Mood | angry]

*has been keeping even busier than usual lately, what with the annoying task of having to oust all Noldor and Noldorin sympathizers from Doriath*

*and if that wasn't bad enough, has had to compensate for a number of his central staff inexplicably failing to show up for work this week, a number that has been steadily rising with each passing day*

*when the day comes that even Mardil himself is MIA, has the temp send word for Beleg to meet him in his office ASAP*
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[Mar. 14th, 2010|08:49 pm]
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[Mood | infuriated]

*is nowhere near Gondolin when he feels a tremendous and truly horrible vibration that make his teeth rattle* *with an Eru-almighty scream, makes his way to Gondolin, arriving in the dead of night*

*pitches up in the garden of the Flower and listens and such is his rage that he uproots a strong but withered tree*

*roaring so loudly that it might be thunder (without lightning)* QUALMË!!
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[Feb. 4th, 2010|09:17 pm]
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[Mood | curious]

*has been loitering around the gardens of the Golden Flower every night since her encounter with that house's lord*

*is waiting for the day when he decides to leave his home for the last time but is in no rush, seeing as she is the sort of Ainu who savours anticipation*

*is considerably alarmed when he returns with a new injury but doesn't associate it with any other Maiar until later in the evening, when it is as dark as can be, and she realises she is not on her own as she perches on the withered branch of a dying tree*
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[Jan. 28th, 2010|09:27 pm]
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[Mood | cheerful]

*perhaps unsurprisingly, finds herself back in Gondolin (for such a small, secret city, it is a hive of activity)* *occupies herself in the hospital and in the nursing home, delaying the inevitable and savouring the promise of what is to come*

*finally, makes her way to a particular House and has no trouble 'reminding' the receptionist that she does, in fact, have a twelve o'clock appointment with the Lord of the House* *shows herself to the office and, as soon as she is gone, the receptionist has no recollection of what she looked like (and that tingle down his spine when she crossed the threshold is a vague memory)*

*settles down in the office, unsurprised that the Lord of the House has not yet emerged for the day* *potters about and looks at the photographs and scrawled notes and (lack of) filing system and tingles with anticipation that this is one for the taking*
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[Sep. 29th, 2009|09:03 pm]
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*sits atop a streetlamp somewhere in Gondolin, swinging her feet and watching the people moving about below in all of their time-driven hurry (born)(breathing)(dying)*

*has been all over Beleriand in the past day-or-minute on her lord's business, but where her Kirin is, there she will return* *is pleased with all of the progress Kirin is making, even if it is very (C)hildish progress* *he's so very bright for a young one*
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[May. 11th, 2009|03:15 pm]
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*times her return to Gondolin with her son so that the train arrives in late and there is the bare minimum of staff in the Flower* (*really could do without the fuss*)

*has had a productive week in Himring, undisturbed, mostly because she finally hit upon a way of keeping her son quiet or, at least, quietly fretful* *cannot believe she didn't hit on this idea earlier although knows that it probably wouldn't have 'taken' if he were not quite so dependent on whiskey and the occasional tablet that finds its way into his juice or his dinner* *has given him a phone, identical to his own, with all his numbers programmed in but with an extra number or a wrong digit or a slight enough difference that calls will not connect and texts will not be delivered* *knows that in this age of mobile phones, no one remembers phone numbers anymore*

(*also, it's been a little funny, watching him watching his phone like a hawk*)

*managed to complete a lot of transactions and would quite happily cut Glorfindel loose in Himring except that she needs to sign some papers in a bank based in Gondolin (and, really, finds Gondolin to be a rather charming place)*
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[Oct. 27th, 2008|08:46 pm]

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[Mood | depressed]

*had intended to catch a few hours of sleep to make up for an entirely sleepless night but, instead, finds himself packing his few belongings (and maybe it's just as well his house burned down [and everything in it] because he has so little to pack)*

*checks into the Hidden Rock Hotel (five star, of course) before attempting to go about his daily business, sifting through intelligence reports and compiling summaries of the reports* *makes it to lunchtime before accepting that he is too distracted to deal with paper work* *spends the rest of the day at the site of the Flower, helping to clear away the bulldozed remains* *works and works and works until he is too tired to think straight (which is a blessed relief of its own)*

*finally, goes back to the hotel, forgoing dinner in the restaurant* *sits on the edge of the bed and stares blankly in front of him and minutes pass and maybe an hour but he doesn't know (even though time means more as a mortal) (but what did ten thousand years mean anyway?)*
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[Oct. 14th, 2008|07:37 pm]
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[Mood | exhausted]

*having had a very busy day - which is odd, given that her operating list was cancelled to accomodate the enaction of the Hospital Emergency Plan - makes her way along a darkened corridor towards the hospital entrance, with every intention of getting the Mandos out of work*

*is stopped en route by a patient's family (asking directions), a nurse from her own ward, two of her medical colleagues and three bleeps from the casualty department but does eventually reach the stairwell*
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[Oct. 11th, 2008|12:06 pm]

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[Mood | stressed]

*is still on the phone when he reaches the Flower* Duilien's getting hers under control. Talk to her before any of yours head out that way.

*gets out of his borrowed car and, when he doesn't immediately hear the wail of sirens, realizes the trucks are all at the Harp* *wades through the crowds near the house, looking for Glorfindel*

*stays just long enough to help move some dazed and coughing staffers to relative safety, direct overall personnel traffic via a few more calls, and catch a glimpse of Glorfindel (whole and spouting orders) before he hears the fire trucks in the distance*

*dashes back to the car, a little sooty and ignoring the incessant ringing of his phone in favor of concentrating on the road, assuming it's just Salgant (all right, already, I'm on my way)* *drives toward the Harp as fast as he can take the corners*
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[Sep. 28th, 2008|04:50 pm]
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*really knows he should have talked to Thuringwethil as soon as she arrived in Mandos but wanted to give her some time to think about what she did* *also, was waiting on the delivery of a new chair for his office; a swivel-chair, black leather, all very atmospheric*

*sits in his new chair and steeples his fingers together and, by force of thought alone, summons the Maia in question, and if he radiates malevolence, it is only because he is still angry about the treatment of his own Maia*
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[Aug. 26th, 2008|10:44 pm]

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*as he runs through the streets of Gondolin (from glow of streetlight to streetlight), phones Aerandir and tells him, first of all, to send a car and driver directly to the House of the Fountain, and then to go to the storage room and get two semi-automatic pistols, two Berettas, multiple rounds for all four guns, as well as four combat knives*

*is still on the phone to Aerandir as he bursts into the foyer of the House of the Fountain* *to the guy at the desk, while holding his hand over the phone* Get Ecthelion down here now. *puts his hand on the desk* And when you're done, contact the House of the Hammer and tell them we need a perimeter guard set up around Ondolindë Concrete Corp ("'s a blue O with--a C? Two Cs inside.") as back-up for myself and Ecthelion. *clicks his fingers as he recalls Erestor's repeated warnings about the House of the Fountain* And double your own guard.

*turns back to his conversation with Aerandir while he waits for Ecthelion* Right, right, throw in two stilettoes too. 'K, I'm going to need you to wait for me at the front gates. I'll be passing in the car in the next few minutes.
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[Aug. 26th, 2008|03:55 pm]

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{It was every performer's worst nightmare: center stage, Opening Night, and he'd forgotten all of his lines. The prompts (how many staff members on call--? House emergency exits where--?) did nothing but blank him out even more, until even ad-libs (I don't get paid enough to know that, honest) weren't an option, and then it became an issue of digging his heels in (no--no--no) and refusing to try.

The worst part of it was that the audience, cast, and crew were all armed with lead pipes and razorblades. They knew he'd forgotten on purpose.}
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[Aug. 16th, 2008|05:55 pm]
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*spends a great deal of time scouting the perimeter of Ossiriand, trying to track down the Ossiriand Ripper (is in no doubt that the Ainu he scared off is the perpetrator)* *stays most nights in Ingil's hospital room, partially corporeal, while the rest of him shines overhead*

*one morning, before the 6am drug round, leaves the room and travels, at speed, to Ilmarin*

*waits outside Varda's office, faintly perturbed that there's no sign of any staff until he remembers that it's 6am*
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[Jun. 18th, 2008|11:19 pm]
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*floats back to the Halls, rather disconsolate and very, very tired*

*immediately goes to find her Dad Patron Vala*

*finds him in the corner of one of the holding bay with a clipboard*

*lingers near the (hermetically sealed) doorway in an attempt to get his attention inobtrusively*
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[Jun. 10th, 2008|05:12 pm]
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*has arrived at the coast but hasn't quite managed to visit Círdan yet* *can't help but wonder how Círdan will take him just showing up on his doorstep*

*goes for a walk down one of the piers and sits down, dangling his feet over the edge, gazing down at the water*
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