Opus Two RPG [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Opus Two RPG

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[Jul. 29th, 2008|05:06 pm]

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*decides he can't stall any longer*

*put on his 2IC shoes (not that he ever actually takes them off) and gathers together a file folder of reports and updates, including details for the second concert venue*

*heads to Ecthelion's office, mentally rehearsing what he's going to say*

Sir, I respectfully request Friday evening off in order to escort his Majesty's esteemed lady mother to a tasteful club of her choice. *ugh, too forced*

Sir, may I have the Friday night shift off? The King's mother asked whether I and some of the Lords might take her out dancing, just to get her mind off things for a while. *er, too personal?*

Sir, Turgie's mummy asked me out. *DEFINITELY not*

*is still debating over the right approach when he arrives at the office door* *knocks crisply*
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[Jun. 3rd, 2008|08:57 pm]
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[Mood | confused]

*has been somewhat left to his own devices since arriving in Gondolin* *decides to go for a walk*

*gets about three feet down the road before trying to phone his son and his -- whatever Maedhros is -- but gets no answer from either*

*because it's still early afternoon, figures that it's too early to go to the pub for an alcoholic drink but it's not to early to go the pub for a caffeinated drink*

*stops into the Sunflower Bar on Main Street and falters at the door* *really didn't think Karaoke Nights started at two o'clock*
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