Posts Tagged: 'sierra'

Mar. 5th, 2018




who: sierra & bash
setting: stockholm

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Feb. 10th, 2018



We should talk

Who: Bash, Andrew, and Sierra
Setting: Andrew's room, just before they dock

definitely not on the same page )

Jan. 26th, 2018



Checking In

Who: Alex and Sierra
Where: Sierra's Room

Alex knocked on Sierra’s door before tucking his hands into his hoodie, waiting for her to answer. He’d been putting off seeing her since New Year’s and was hoping she might not be home, that he could text her and say he’d dropped by but would catch her another time. Which he knew wasn’t fair, but he could tell she’d talked to Ky. And if he wasn’t speaking directly to him? It wasn’t good. He knew that. While avoiding her wasn’t really going to change the end result, he’d waited until he was ready to hear it. Standing there, he still wasn’t sure he was ready and he waited only a second or two more before turning to head back down the hall.

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Jan. 21st, 2018



[No Subject]

Who: Sierra and Bash
What: Talking of their relationship
When: Backdated to The night of the knighting. (Sorry.. forgot to post)
Where: Their cabin

What's next )
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Jan. 18th, 2018




I'm sending a friend in your direction. His name is Ky. I'll be paying for the sessions. <3 You're amazing and he needs help.

Hey big brother. I know you're hurting right now, but you need to leave Ky alone. He needs to heal right now, so do you.



here's a cabin and some hugs

who: sierra & ky
setting: her place

with a side of advice )
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Dec. 29th, 2017



Text Message

[Text sent to Theo, Velma, Christian, Sierra, Olivia, and Ethan]

Hey guys! I'm looking at putting together something for New Year's Eve. I have one vote for something involving a hot tub, so I was thinking about renting out one of those log cabins for the night. Let me know if you're interested and if you're bringing friends. I'll try to get enough rooms that people can crash there if they want to. Are you in?

Dec. 16th, 2017



Trying to Break Through

Who: Andrew and Sierra
Setting: Andrew's room, Morning before Alex moves in

It was early but Sierra had been up for a while. She wanted everything to be perfect for the ceremony, so she’d been kind of doing a lot for a few days now. Part of that was the dress. She was going to look like a princess, she wasn’t bucking the tradition in any way this time. She got her crown cleaned, she needed to get her dress fitted one last time so they could finalize it… there was a lot.

And then there was the part that she had slept like shit because she was worried about Alex. Getting up early was because of shit to do, not having been asleep for at least two hours before the alarm sounded was all Alex. Still, it wasn’t the first time Sierra had run on fumes for long periods of time. So, she wasn’t looking too dragged down when she arrived at Andrew’s room. In fact she’d put in effort to cover any signs of stress before she left her cabin.

When she knocked, she waited, trying not to fidget. She almost managed, but wound up twisting a bracelet around her wrist a few times anyway.

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Dec. 11th, 2017



Texts to Sierra and Victoria

To Sierra

So, Alex is on suicide watch overnight and I think you and I need to talk.

To Victoria

Can you come by tonight?

Dec. 6th, 2017



You Aren't Alone In This

Who: Ky and Sierra
Setting: Sierra's room

and there's not really a good way to deal with all of it )
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Dec. 4th, 2017



A Knighting


The knighting ceremony for Sebastian Ellison takes place not long after the boat leaves for open waters. The ceremony itself is done on a raised stage in the middle of the Atrium of the ship. It's a formal sort of thing, Prince Andrew presides, done up in his military dress blues, with a small crown tucked into his red locks. His brother and sister are with him, seated on the stage.

There are seats for those invited facing the stage, but anyone who wishes to attend can, and people lean against the railings of the open foyer of the boat to watch the process.

There's a reception afterwards in celebration of the newly minted Sir Ellison, but it's invite only and at the Royal Club. The list is limited to close family friends and guests of political or financial note. Drinks and food will be provided.

Dec. 3rd, 2017



Text to ky

Hey, think things are okay for now, but I wanna talk to you, sooner than later. Meet me at my cabin soon?
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Dec. 1st, 2017



talking things through

Who: Alex and Sierra
Where: Alex's Room

Sleep hit Alex fast and hard, the sort that pulled him into darkness and held him there till morning, yet felt like he'd barely closed his eyes a second. He registered pain before sunlight and groaned as his hands instinctively came up to cradle his head. His mouth felt like it had been stuffed with cotton, his jaw sore like he'd clenched his teeth all night. And his eyes. God, he forgot what crying did to his eyes. He was still in a daze when he kissed Ky goodbye, disappointed that he had to leave, but understanding that he had to work. They'd talk later, he promised, and Alex would have to live with that. Slowly, so slowly, he rolled out of bed and made his way to the kitchen. A large glass of water and some aspirin were calling him.

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Nov. 29th, 2017



text to Sierra

[Sent right after this]

Hey,, things are bad with Alex. Like, Alex is in a bad place. I think...I don't know. Are you still up? Can we talk? I'm really worried about him.
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Nov. 6th, 2017



Text to Sierra

Why am I receiving instructions to knight your bodyguard?

Nov. 3rd, 2017



Thoughts Locked in our Mouths

Who: Sierra and Olivia
Where: Sierra's room
When: Pre-party, back on the boat

Out of the dark, into the light )
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Masquerades and Costume Balls


As promised, the night of Halloween the party at Ethan's house begins. There's food catered from the local village, drinks with official bartenders as well. The lower floor of the house he's been giving on the island has been decorated, each room with a slightly different them. The great room has pumpkins and orange everywhere, the back room that was probably a dining room before he had furniture moved out is a dancefloor done up in blacklights with a DJ dressed as a skeleton glowing under it.

Anyone who has heard about it is invited, and needless to say, just about everyone has heard about it. Ethan's easy to find in the center of it, bouncing from guest to guest.

The party goes on well into the early hours of the morning and for those who stick around, there's a breakfast buffet that gets rolled out somewhere around sunrise as the party finally starts to wrap.



where have you been hiding?

Who: Sierra and Ethan
Setting: Sierra's room - on the boat

She wasn’t really that hard to track down. He’d heard her family was on the boat and really it took asking some kid who delivered room service and he pointed out the room. Ethan leaned on the door frame before knocking, waiting to see if she was there. That was the other interesting part to the rumor. Sierra Keighly wasn’t leaving her room anymore. The staff had noticed. That did not fit with the girl he remembered.

The girl Ethan remembered wasn't quite there anymore. That was probably pretty clear when she opened up the door, wearing comfy pjs, with her hair down, no make up on, looking pretty much ready for bed. There wasn't anyone in her room, she wasn't pre-gaming for the evening, there wasn't any loud, bouncy music on. She was pretty surprised when she saw who it was. “Hey, Pix,” she said, looking slightly confused by his presence. Not that she wasn't glad to see him. She was. It just felt like it was from another life that she even knew him. They'd partied together, partied hard. She might have slept with him, though she was fuzzy on whether or not that was a thing or just something the press had made up. “I um, I didn't know you were onboard. When did you get here?” she asked, hesitating a second then letting him in.

you should have called )
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Oct. 14th, 2017




who: bash & sierra
where: their cabin

and maybe a side of strife )
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Oct. 13th, 2017



text to Aisling

So....hey. I know I've been kinda awol for a while, but when you free for the next trip to crazy town?