Posts Tagged: 'olivia'

Mar. 24th, 2018



Hot Air Balloons

Who: Aisling and Olivia
Where: Aisling's room
When: After her talk with Jacob

Let your fears go. )

Mar. 4th, 2018



Friends Only.

Who: Mickey and Olivia
where: Back on the ship

Just friends. )
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Mar. 3rd, 2018



wounds both old and new

who: Olivia & Jacob
setting: clinic room

argument )
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Feb. 17th, 2018



You Again?

Who: Mickey, Jacob, and Olivia
Setting: Stockholm, getting back to the boat

yeah I have some innate need to rescue your future wife )

Jan. 2nd, 2018



Happy New Year!


As the sun sets on New Year’s Eve, the party starts at the cabin in the woods, reserved for Alex’s close friends and family. There’s food spread throughout the kitchen, horderves enough to make a meal for anyone that wants to, and more to drink than they can possibly ever go through-- Champagne, of course, but also wine, beer, and liquor for anyone that wants to make their own cocktail. There’s also sodas and sparkling cider, for those that choose not to partake.

On the tables are hats, crowns, noisemakers, and glasses; all the wild embellishments needed to welcome in the new year. Music plays throughout the house, including the lower level where the hot tub steams beneath the covered porch. There’s games on the tables for anyone that’s interested.

Alex bounces around the party in jeans and a half-buttoned dress shirt, a sparkly gold hat on his head. He’s made sure there’s a bed for each of his guests, even if that means he sleeps on the couch himself. Come morning, there’s coffee and a continental breakfast before everyone heads back to the ship.

Dec. 29th, 2017



Text Message

[Text sent to Theo, Velma, Christian, Sierra, Olivia, and Ethan]

Hey guys! I'm looking at putting together something for New Year's Eve. I have one vote for something involving a hot tub, so I was thinking about renting out one of those log cabins for the night. Let me know if you're interested and if you're bringing friends. I'll try to get enough rooms that people can crash there if they want to. Are you in?

Dec. 15th, 2017



Published Anonymously

your monthly dose of Odyssey gossip
Happy Holidays! Did you think I’d forgotten about you? Never ever!

Kudos to America’s own pocket prince for throwing the most fabulous Halloween bash the Odyssey has ever seen. Clearly when you’re in costume, you can knock boots with whomever you want, wherever you want. Batman was seen with both our host and the ice princess! That boy sure does get around.

And so does the duchess, out to lunch and all cozy with an unknown beau. Where was her fiancé during this secret soiree? Too bad the paparazzi didn’t get a better picture.

There were plenty of pictures of the ginger crown prince and his new arm candy. How quickly he moved on, this time to a complete unknown. Is she something more? Or just another distraction? As the first woman to make it more than one date in years, it’d be nice to at least know her name.

We have a knight on board! All we need is a Bishop and we’re close to having a full chess set. Apparently if you save a princess, you get knighted. But if you save an assload of people and you’re just a pawn, well… you get to keep your job. Thank God. It’s sad to know how little value Management places on it’s employees. Bah Humbug.

layout by tessisamess@ij

Dec. 4th, 2017



A Knighting


The knighting ceremony for Sebastian Ellison takes place not long after the boat leaves for open waters. The ceremony itself is done on a raised stage in the middle of the Atrium of the ship. It's a formal sort of thing, Prince Andrew presides, done up in his military dress blues, with a small crown tucked into his red locks. His brother and sister are with him, seated on the stage.

There are seats for those invited facing the stage, but anyone who wishes to attend can, and people lean against the railings of the open foyer of the boat to watch the process.

There's a reception afterwards in celebration of the newly minted Sir Ellison, but it's invite only and at the Royal Club. The list is limited to close family friends and guests of political or financial note. Drinks and food will be provided.

Dec. 3rd, 2017



That Stream of Dopamine

Who: Jacob and Olivia
Where: Back in their rental house on the island
Warning: NSFW

I wanna feel your sugar in my veins. )
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Nov. 9th, 2017



A Mandate of Sorts

Who: Andrew and Olivia
Setting: The shared Keighly house on the island (pre-party)

Once arriving at the large house on the island, Olivia and Jacob had volunteered to take the finished basement. It gave them a little privacy from her family, who Olivia still felt sort of strange around where Jacob was concerned, and made sure that Bodie had enough space to stretch his legs.

She honestly wasn’t sure how they’d gotten to a place where staying together in a clump felt like a good idea. She’d considered backing out and requesting a set of rooms for her and Jacob in the staff’s building but she decided against it. If she knew anything about her family, that would be like a slap in the face to all of them.

So here she was, unpacking her smaller luggage as she settled into the big, open basement while Jacob took Bodie for a walk. It was a nice room, mostly white and light blues to counteract the below-ground feel, and most of all it was quiet. For now, at least.

I don't think you understand how this works )
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Nov. 3rd, 2017



Thoughts Locked in our Mouths

Who: Sierra and Olivia
Where: Sierra's room
When: Pre-party, back on the boat

Out of the dark, into the light )
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Oct. 9th, 2017



Family Matters

Who: Andrew, Alex, Sierra, and Olivia
Setting: Sierra's room, evening

can't we all just get along? )

Oct. 8th, 2017



Friendly Concern

who: mickey and Olivia

just make sure you look out for yourself )
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Sep. 29th, 2017



[Text to Aisling]

Could we get together soon? I miss you and I think we need to talk about you not inviting me to your wedding!

Sep. 22nd, 2017



Group Text to the Keighly Family

Family dinner, 8pm, the Royal Club.

No staff, no significant others, just family. Be on time.

Sep. 21st, 2017



nightmares and repossession

who: olivia & jacob
setting: their place

possessive nature )
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Sep. 13th, 2017




who: Jacob & Olivia
setting: their place
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Sep. 11th, 2017



Text to Olivia

Hey, I didn't see you at the party last night. You never miss a good party. Is everything okay?
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Sep. 10th, 2017



Message to Olivia

Miss Olivia,

How are you holding up? I didn't see you at the party. Everything okay?
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Aug. 24th, 2017



A New Addition to the Rose Family

Who: Jacob and Olivia
Where: Their hotel in Charleston

Fuzzy Baby. )
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