Posts Tagged: 'nic'

Feb. 1st, 2018



Closing Time

Who: Nic and Tris
Setting: 88 Keys

Nic wiped down the bar as he watched Tris cater to the last two patrons, a couple of women who had tipped them both well over the course of the night. Still, it was late, the bar had shut down, and they had yet to make it out the door. Had they been at the bar, Nic would have politely reminded them they were closing down. Another five minutes and he’d wander over to help Tris. He was a good show man, sometimes too good when people didn’t want to leave.

How's it going? )
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Jan. 20th, 2018



Sweet Escape

Who: Nic and Ky
Where: Ky's new room

Ky shoved the last of his things into his giant backpack, then grabbed a few more things off the shelves in their room to dump into his messenger bag. He wasn’t sure how long the offer would stand, but having a room, a real room, that was pretty great. He was considering what Sierra had said, about renting out the rooms, but he kind of wanted to enjoy it first. Having his own space would be kind of amazing.

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Jan. 18th, 2018



text to Nic

Soo... Sierra hooked me up with a proper, real live room. Wanna come check it out with me?
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Jan. 12th, 2018



Bad Timing

Who: Nic and Ky
Where: An Odyssey Club
When: New Year's Eve

Nic knew that Ky had been having a hard time lately, even without all the details. He was around all the time. More than he should be if he still had a job. And way more than he should be if he was still seeing the prince. He seemed quiet and withdrawn, the opposite of the guy Nic had originally met. Nic let Christmas pass without trying to drag him out of it, himself depressed to be without his family on the holiday, but when New Year's Eve came around he insisted that they do something more than sit in their room. He had the night off, for fuck's sake! When did a bartender get then night off on New Year's Eve? It was probably a once in a lifetime event.

"You ready?" he asked as he finished fixing his hair and zipped up his coat. He couldn't afford to be too fancy, but the sequinned bomber jacket had been too awesome pass up.

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Dec. 21st, 2017



let's rock out

who: nic & velma
setting: on the way to a club on the ship - before the event

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Dec. 3rd, 2017




To Alex
Hey! Got a boatload of stuff for us to go over! See you soon?

To Nic
Heeeeeey sexyface! Sup?

To Theo
What up? I haven't seen you!
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Nov. 3rd, 2017



Masquerades and Costume Balls


As promised, the night of Halloween the party at Ethan's house begins. There's food catered from the local village, drinks with official bartenders as well. The lower floor of the house he's been giving on the island has been decorated, each room with a slightly different them. The great room has pumpkins and orange everywhere, the back room that was probably a dining room before he had furniture moved out is a dancefloor done up in blacklights with a DJ dressed as a skeleton glowing under it.

Anyone who has heard about it is invited, and needless to say, just about everyone has heard about it. Ethan's easy to find in the center of it, bouncing from guest to guest.

The party goes on well into the early hours of the morning and for those who stick around, there's a breakfast buffet that gets rolled out somewhere around sunrise as the party finally starts to wrap.

Oct. 25th, 2017



A Force of Nature

Who: Nic and Velma
Where: Salem

Nic had been looking forward to the trip to Salem since meeting Velma. It was a chance to get off the boat, to see some place new, and to have a good time with a girl that seemed like a lot of fun. They’d met up late afternoon, early enough to wander the shops for a bit, then grabbed a light meal before looking for some place to party. The real key was making sure they caught the last shuttle back to Boston. Nic had never been a fan of sleeping at the bus station.

“The hat looks good on you,” Nic said, grinning at Velma as he walked backwards for a moment. “A proper witch for the night.” It was perfect as they neared Halloween, the brisk night air ruffling his hair. He loved this time of year.

swept away )
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Oct. 23rd, 2017



Text Messages

Text to Ky
Sorry about the other night. Hope your date went well.

Text to Velma
Are we still on for Salem before this ship takes off?
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Sticking with what we’re good at

Who: Nic and Tris
Where: The Piano Bar

Nic had been wiping down the same spot on the bar for the last five minutes, his mind elsewhere while there were no customers to attend to. He was thinking about the other night, when he was fairly certain he'd screwed things up with his roommate. The drinks had been stronger than he'd realized, at least on an empty stomach, and he'd made a bit of an ass of himself. It happened often enough, but not usually with someone he was living with. This was why he needed to learn to keep his hands to himself. Not everyone appreciated being hit on.

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Oct. 6th, 2017




Who: Nic and Ky
Where: Their room, then the Glacier Bar

It had been a long day, but a good one, the kind that made Nic glad he'd been forced onto the Odyssey. The people were interesting, they tipped well, and the piano bar wasn't near as bad as he'd expected it to be. The guy behind the music was actually good, sounding like an actual musician, rather than the kind that played in malls at Christmas. He'd played Nic's request, and he'd gotten Velma's number. So really, a the day was a win. Unlocking the door to his room, he was ready to change out of his uniform and relax a bit, maybe even chill with his roommates. He'd been so busy since boarding the ship that he'd barely gotten more than their name.

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Sep. 29th, 2017



Drinks and Things!

Who: Nic and Velma
Where: 88 Keys Piano Bar

Nic had been working in a bar since before he was even legal to serve, but he’d never worked in a bar as nice as 88 Keys. It was better stocked than he had imagined, the top shelf liquor truly worth the price, with different glasses to match all the different drinks. Some he’d been familiar with, but others he’d had to study up on. There were even some drinks he’d had to learn and he’d thought he knew them all. That was the fun part, though, experimenting with the menu a little. Early enough in the evening he could pour himself just one glass, but after that it would be water for hours. With that in mind, it was hard to decide.

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