Posts Tagged: 'andrew'

Apr. 29th, 2018



dinner and more...

Who: Andrew and Emma
Setting: Andrew's apartment

why did you ever leave )

Mar. 5th, 2018



Unexpected Chivalry

Who: Andrew and Emma
Where: In Stockholm, making their way to the ship

You really are a prince, aren't you? )

Feb. 10th, 2018



Text to the Kieghlys + Bash and Justin

to the family

If you aren't already on the boat, get here now. And tell me you're here when you get here.

to Justin


to Bash

You damn well better have my sister. Get her back on this boat.
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We should talk

Who: Bash, Andrew, and Sierra
Setting: Andrew's room, just before they dock

definitely not on the same page )

Jan. 12th, 2018



A Quiet Night In

Who: Andrew and Victoria
Where: Andrew's Suite
When: Christmas Eve

Twinkling lights on the tree. The remnants of a fancy dinner on the table. A few glasses of wine. It was easily ten times more romantic than anything Andrew had done for anyone and he was starting to wonder if it was too much. If he’d gone too far with the whole thing. Still, he liked the idea of spoiling her, even if it was all temporary. “Sorry you got drug into that whole gossip rag thing,” he said, handing her the refilled glass and sitting on the couch next to Victoria. “None of that...the timing seems wrong to someone on the outside.”

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Dec. 17th, 2017



Everything Falls Apart

Who: Alex and Ky, then Andrew
Where: Andrew's Spare Room

Alex had papers spread out over the bed, notes on the decor and music for the ceremony, along with arrangements for the after party. He’d made a few phone calls, but there were still so many little details to work through and he’d only just started. Even once he got everything in order, it could only be setup on the day of, which meant everything had to come together perfectly. So Alex had lists. Lots of lists. It was a perfect project for the moment, the kind of thing he could throw himself into so he didn’t have to think about anything else.

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Dec. 16th, 2017



Trying to Break Through

Who: Andrew and Sierra
Setting: Andrew's room, Morning before Alex moves in

It was early but Sierra had been up for a while. She wanted everything to be perfect for the ceremony, so she’d been kind of doing a lot for a few days now. Part of that was the dress. She was going to look like a princess, she wasn’t bucking the tradition in any way this time. She got her crown cleaned, she needed to get her dress fitted one last time so they could finalize it… there was a lot.

And then there was the part that she had slept like shit because she was worried about Alex. Getting up early was because of shit to do, not having been asleep for at least two hours before the alarm sounded was all Alex. Still, it wasn’t the first time Sierra had run on fumes for long periods of time. So, she wasn’t looking too dragged down when she arrived at Andrew’s room. In fact she’d put in effort to cover any signs of stress before she left her cabin.

When she knocked, she waited, trying not to fidget. She almost managed, but wound up twisting a bracelet around her wrist a few times anyway.

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Dec. 15th, 2017



Finding Happy

Who: Andrew and Victoria
Setting: Andrew's Room after visiting Alex

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Published Anonymously

your monthly dose of Odyssey gossip
Happy Holidays! Did you think I’d forgotten about you? Never ever!

Kudos to America’s own pocket prince for throwing the most fabulous Halloween bash the Odyssey has ever seen. Clearly when you’re in costume, you can knock boots with whomever you want, wherever you want. Batman was seen with both our host and the ice princess! That boy sure does get around.

And so does the duchess, out to lunch and all cozy with an unknown beau. Where was her fiancé during this secret soiree? Too bad the paparazzi didn’t get a better picture.

There were plenty of pictures of the ginger crown prince and his new arm candy. How quickly he moved on, this time to a complete unknown. Is she something more? Or just another distraction? As the first woman to make it more than one date in years, it’d be nice to at least know her name.

We have a knight on board! All we need is a Bishop and we’re close to having a full chess set. Apparently if you save a princess, you get knighted. But if you save an assload of people and you’re just a pawn, well… you get to keep your job. Thank God. It’s sad to know how little value Management places on it’s employees. Bah Humbug.

layout by tessisamess@ij

Dec. 11th, 2017



Texts to Sierra and Victoria

To Sierra

So, Alex is on suicide watch overnight and I think you and I need to talk.

To Victoria

Can you come by tonight?




Who: Andrew and Alex
Where: A room in the medbay

Alex took deep breaths, forcing himself to maintain a calm while waiting for his brother. This wasn’t a conversation he wanted to have, but he wasn’t going to have it via text. So when he’d asked Andrew to bring him a change of clothes and his cell phone charger, he’d told him little else, promising to explain once Andrew arrived. Alex was doing well to stay seated on the bed, rather than pacing. He wanted to pace, but it would have worked him up further and the whole point of this exercise was to recenter himself. To re-find his calm and move forward. Not wind himself back up again.

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Dec. 4th, 2017



A Knighting


The knighting ceremony for Sebastian Ellison takes place not long after the boat leaves for open waters. The ceremony itself is done on a raised stage in the middle of the Atrium of the ship. It's a formal sort of thing, Prince Andrew presides, done up in his military dress blues, with a small crown tucked into his red locks. His brother and sister are with him, seated on the stage.

There are seats for those invited facing the stage, but anyone who wishes to attend can, and people lean against the railings of the open foyer of the boat to watch the process.

There's a reception afterwards in celebration of the newly minted Sir Ellison, but it's invite only and at the Royal Club. The list is limited to close family friends and guests of political or financial note. Drinks and food will be provided.

Nov. 9th, 2017



A Mandate of Sorts

Who: Andrew and Olivia
Setting: The shared Keighly house on the island (pre-party)

Once arriving at the large house on the island, Olivia and Jacob had volunteered to take the finished basement. It gave them a little privacy from her family, who Olivia still felt sort of strange around where Jacob was concerned, and made sure that Bodie had enough space to stretch his legs.

She honestly wasn’t sure how they’d gotten to a place where staying together in a clump felt like a good idea. She’d considered backing out and requesting a set of rooms for her and Jacob in the staff’s building but she decided against it. If she knew anything about her family, that would be like a slap in the face to all of them.

So here she was, unpacking her smaller luggage as she settled into the big, open basement while Jacob took Bodie for a walk. It was a nice room, mostly white and light blues to counteract the below-ground feel, and most of all it was quiet. For now, at least.

I don't think you understand how this works )
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Nov. 6th, 2017



Text to Sierra

Why am I receiving instructions to knight your bodyguard?



Delivery for Andrew

Waiting for Andrew at their private house on the island is a long case containing a ceremonial sword with a gold hilt complete with the Keighly family crest worked into it.

Along with the package is a sealed note from his father requesting that Andrew conduct the knighting ceremony for Sebastian Ellison and attached details on the ceremony. The note is formal and far from personable, and there's nothing fatherly attached with it.

Nov. 3rd, 2017



Masquerades and Costume Balls


As promised, the night of Halloween the party at Ethan's house begins. There's food catered from the local village, drinks with official bartenders as well. The lower floor of the house he's been giving on the island has been decorated, each room with a slightly different them. The great room has pumpkins and orange everywhere, the back room that was probably a dining room before he had furniture moved out is a dancefloor done up in blacklights with a DJ dressed as a skeleton glowing under it.

Anyone who has heard about it is invited, and needless to say, just about everyone has heard about it. Ethan's easy to find in the center of it, bouncing from guest to guest.

The party goes on well into the early hours of the morning and for those who stick around, there's a breakfast buffet that gets rolled out somewhere around sunrise as the party finally starts to wrap.

Oct. 26th, 2017



Message to Andrew

Given the staffing levels here, I thought I would take some of my vacation days if that's all right with you. Looks like I can put in for my own place here, take some real downtime.
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Oct. 23rd, 2017


[info]odysseyic Web Post


Princes Andrew and Alex took to the town yesterday, both sporting dates and sparking public interest. Prince Andrew was spotted with a blonde wearing the latest Versace couture, last seen on the runway in Paris. The couple disembarked The Odyssey before taking to a town car and proceeding to dinner at the Meritage Restaurant. Prince Andrew seemed in good spirits as the waved to the crowd, keeping his date close before disappearing into the night. Sources say the couple was all smiles throughout dinner, stealing kisses as they made their exit. Could Prince Andrew finally be settling down? Who is this mysterious woman?

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Who: Aisling and Andrew
Setting: Royal Club

Andrew had questions )



[No Subject]

Who: Andrew and Victoria
Setting: In Boston for date night

Andrew had told her he’d meet her in the atrium of the boat, but he didn’t do that. Instead he went to her room, knocking on the door and waiting to be let in. He’d gone with looking nice, slate gray pants and a dark maroon button down. He had a jacket as well, the same color as his pants, tossed over one arm. It made him look put together, despite the way his mind was turning over just what he was doing. He hoped it went well.

A girl that wasn’t Victoria opened the door, blushing red and shutting it in his face again as she went off to get her roommate.

put on a pretty dress and be seen )