Posts Tagged: 'inari'

Mar. 15th, 2017



Maraschino Cherries and Sand Castles

Who: Ky and Inari
Where: The Beach Party

The sun was bright so Inari was staring at the beach through her giant, rose tinted sunglasses. They did almost nothing to protect her eyes, but they covered nearly half of her face and she loved them. She'd put less thought into her outfit, covering her blue swimsuit with a well worn white tshirt, three sizes too big, with a cartoon drawing of a muscled man's chest on the front.

She figured she'd start with a drink and head to a chair to soak up at least some of the rays from the sun before her skin burst into flames. Heading to the bar, she leaned against it and ordered a frozen Pina colada and waited for it to be made.

Cherries are good for you. )
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Feb. 23rd, 2017



You're the King of the Castle who Likes to Hide

おはようございます! (It means good morning!)

Sometimes, I think we forget that we are basically fish. We swim in the ocean with the dolphins and jellies and narwhals.

I wrote a song about fish.